Vladimir Tatlin : Retrospektive Владимир Татлин : ретроспектива

Bibliographic Information

Vladimir Tatlin : Retrospektive = Владимир Татлин : ретроспектива

Herausgeber, Anatolij Strigalev und Jürgen Harten = составители, Анатолий Стригалев и Юрген Хартен

DuMont Buchverlag, 1993

Other Title

Vladimir Tatlin : retrospektiva

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Exhibition catalogue

Catalog for the exhibition held at Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Spt. 11-Nov. 21, 1993; Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Dec. 11-Feb. 6, 1994; Staatliche Tret'jakov-Gallery, Moscow, Mar.-April, 1994; Staatliches Russisches Museum, St. Petersburg (year not mentioned)

Parallel text in German and Russian

Includes index

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