Perspectives on close relationships

Bibliographic Information

Perspectives on close relationships

[editors,] Ann L. Weber, John H. Harvey

Allyn and Bacon, c1994

  • : pbk

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Description and Table of Contents


This is a collection of essays written by recognized experts in the relationships field for a student audience. Seven different disciplines within the field are represented, offering a variety of perspectives on close relationships.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction, Ann L. Weber and John H. Harvey 2. Close Relationships Over Time, Rosemary Blieszner 3. Methods of Studying Close Relationships, William Ickes 4. Interpersonal Attraction, Jeffery A. Simpson and Betty A. Harris 5. Communication in Close Relationships, Barbara Montgomery 6. Toward Understanding Emotions in Close Relationships, Parastu Mehta and Margaret Clark 7. Attachment, Phillip R. Shaver and Cindy Hazan 8. Love, Arthur Aron and Elaine N. Aron 9. Commitment and Its Communication in Romantic Relationships, Mark L. Knapp and Eric H. Taylor 10. Resource Allocation in Intimate Relationships, Margaret S. Clark and Kathleen Chrisman 11. Sexuality in Close Relationships, Susan Sprecher and Kathleen McKinney 12. Jealousy in Close Relationships: Multiple Perspectives on the Green-ey'd Monster, David A. DeSteno and Peter Salovey 13. Betrayal in Close Relationships, Warren H. Jones and Marsha Parsons Burdette 14. Physical Abuse in Close Relationships: Myths and Realities, Linda L. Marshall and Stephanie A. Vitanza 15. Accounts in Coping with Relationship Loss, Ann L. Weber and John H. Harvey 16. Social Support, Benjamin H. Gottlieb 17. The Therapy Relationship, Barbara A. Winstead and Valerian J. Derlega 18. Close Relationships in Environmental Context, Barbara B. Brown, Carol M. Werner, and Irwin Altman 19. General Perspective on the Multidisciplinary Field of Personal Relationships, Steve Duck 20. Conclusion: Reflections and Perspectives, John H. Harvey and Ann L. Weber

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