Object-oriented development : building CASE tools with C[++]


Object-oriented development : building CASE tools with C[++]

David E. Brumbaugh

(Wiley professional computing)

Wiley, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes index



By addressing real problems in the new field of object-oriented development, this book provides training in the methodology, as well as the development, of projects, namely software development tools, plus a large set of examples in C++. The CASE tools developed are done so using the object-oriented methods discussed in the book, and should be used to aid in the development of object-oriented software. This book/disk set not only teaches the development of object-oriented CASE tools, but also includes three CASE tools on diskette: a graphic system for object-oriented notation; a "class" browser for C++; and a "class" librarian.


The Fundamentals of OO Analysis, Design, and Programming. Managing and Documenting OO Development. Analysis: Object-Oriented vs. Traditional. A Closer Look at Object-Oriented Design. OOP in C++. The OverviewSSOOT CASE. The First CASE ToolA Class Librarian. Designing the Librarian. Coding the Class Librarian. Analysis and Design of the Class Browser. Analysis and Design of the SOOT CASE Graphics Tool. The Project Terminus. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.

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