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v. 31 ISBN 9780120020317
This acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics.
Volume 31 provides the following fully referenced, and comprehensive articles: A New Integrable Shallow Water Equation discusses the initial value problem and soliton solutions for a newly discovered, completely integrable, dispersive shallow water equation as well as the elastic collision properties of the N-soliton solution The Onset and Development of Thermal Convection in Fully Developed Shear Flows focuses on a few basic states involving a Boussinesq fluid and fully developed forced flows, mainly of the Couette or Poiseuille type Vortex Element Methods for Flow Simulation covers vortex patches and filaments and a critical account of difficulties, limitations, and continuing efforts to improve the simulations of laminar or peturbulent flows through the use of vortex elementmethods Micromechanics Constitutive Description of Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations is concerned with the micromechanics description of transformation plasticity, incorporating microstructure, crystallography, thermodynamics and micromechanics into the continuum formulation of the macroscopic constitutive behavior.
R. Camassa, D.D. Holm, and J.M. Hyman, A New Integrable Shallow Water Equation. R.E. Kelly, The Onset and Development of Thermal Convection in Fully Developed Shear Flows. T. Sarpkaya, Vortex Element Methods for Flow Simulation. Q.-P. Sun and K.-C. Hwang, Micromechanics Constitutive Description of Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations. Author Index. Subject Index.
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v. 32 ISBN 9780120020324
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics.
H.-C. Chang and E.A. Demekhin, Solitary Wave Formation and Dynamics on Falling Films. N.E. Huang, S.R. Long, and Z. Shen, The Mechanism for Frequency Downshift in Nonlinear Wave Evolution. J.Z. Wu and J.M. Wu,Vorticity Dynamics on Boundaries. C.C. Mei, J.-L. Auriault, and C.-o. Ng, Some Applications of the Homogenization Theory. Chapter References. Author Index. Subject Index.
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v. 33 ISBN 9780120020331
Five articles on recent developments in solids and structures comprise Volume 33 of the Advances in Applied Mechanics. Each chapter is a mix of field survey and new work. The topics include structural reliability, failure modes of composites and thin films, the mechanics of micro-structural evolution, and strain gradient plasticity.
Contributors. Preface. Robust Reliability of Structures. Compressive Failure of Fiber Composites. Delamination of Compressed Thin Films.
Motions of Microscopic Surfaces in Materials. Strain Gradient Plasticity.
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v. 34 ISBN 9780120020348
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics
Contributors. Preface. E. Riks, Buckling Analysis of Elastic Structures: A Computational Approach. P.R. Dawson and E.B. Marin, Computational Mechanics for Metal Deformation Processes Using Polycrystal Plasticity. P.P. Castaneda and P. Suquet, Nonlinear Composites. W.H. Yang, Mathematical Foundation of Plasticity Theory. O.S. Ryzhov and E.V. Bogdanova-Ryzhova, Forced Generation of Solitary-Like Waves Related to Unstable Boundary. Index.
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v. 35 ISBN 9780120020355
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics.
Subject and Author Cumulative Index, Volumes 1 34.
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v. 36 ISBN 9780120020362
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics.
M. Ortiz and R. Phillips, Nanomechanics of Defects in Solids. A.C.F. Cocks and S.P.A. Gill, Modeling Microstructure Evolution in Engineering Materials. W.A. Curtin, Stochastic Damage Evolution and Failure in Fiber-reinforced Composites. Subject and Author Index.
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v. 37 ISBN 9780120020379
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied solid and fluid mechanics.
Mechanics is defined as a branch of physics that focuses on motion and on the reaction of physical systems to internal and external forces.
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v. 38 ISBN 9780120020386
Mechanics is defined as a branch of physics that focuses on motion and
the reaction of physical systems to internal and external forces.
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied solid and fluid mechanics.
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v. 39 ISBN 9780120020393
The major developments in the field of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of scientific journals, making it often difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field. The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together the recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigation in mechanics and various application areas. Advances in Applied Mechanics continues to be a publication of high impact. Review articles are provided by leading scientists in the field on an invitation only basis. Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields. Volume 39 in the Mechanics series contains articles on vortex dynamics, the numerical simulation of two-phase flows, environmental problems in China, and piezoelectrics.
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v. 40 ISBN 9780120020409
The major developments in the field of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of scientific journals, making it often difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field. The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together the recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigation in mechanics and various application areas. Advances in Applied Mechanics continues to be a publication of high impact. Review articles are provided by leading scientists in the field on an invitation only basis. Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields.
List of Contributors
A unified treatment of evolving interfaces accounting for small deformations and atomic transport with emphasis on grain-boundaries and epitaxy, by E. Fried and M.E. Gurtin
Instability of multi-layer channel and film flows, by C. Pozrikidis
Author Index
Subject Index
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v. 41 ISBN 9780120020577
The major developments in the fields of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of technical journals, often making it difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field or an individual interested in discovering the state-of-the-art in connection with applications. The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering. Advances in Applied Mechanics continues to be a publication of high visibility and impact. Review articles are provided by active, leading scientists in the field by invitation of the editors. Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields. Volume 41 in the series contains articles on topological fluid mechanics, electrospinning, vortex dynamics and self-assembly.
Streamline Topology - Patterns in Fluid Flows and their Bifurcations, by M. Brons
Electrospinning of Nanofibers from Polymer Solutions and Melts, by D.H. Reneker, A.L. Yarin, E. Zussman and H. Xu
A Bibliography of Vortex Dynamics 1858-1956, by V. Meleshko and H. Aref
Field-Assisted Self-Assembly of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical, MEMS and BioMEMS Applications, by R. Ganguly and I.K. Puri
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v. 42 ISBN 9780123742919
The major developments in the fields of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of technical journals, often making it difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field or an individual interested in discovering the state-of-the-art in connection with applications. The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering. Advances in Applied Mechanics continues to be a publication of high visibility and impact. Review articles are provided by active, leading scientists in the field by invitation of the editors. Many of the articles published have become classics within their fields. Volume 42 in the series contains articles on coarse-graining in elasto-viscoplasticity, elasticity at nano-scale, and elestic and conductive properties of heterogeneous materials.
1. Theory of elasticity at the nano-scale -
H.L. Duan, J. Wang and B.L. Karihaloo
2. Connections between Elastic and Conductive Properties of Heterogeneous Materials -
I. Sevostianov and M. Kachanov
3. Coarse-Graining in Elasto-Viscoplasticity: Bridging the Gap from Microscopic Fluctuations to Dissipation -
M. Huetter and Th.A. Tervoort
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v. 43 ISBN 9780123748133
The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
1) "Skin Biothermomechanics: Modeling and Experimental Characterization"
by F. Xu and T.J. Lu
2) "A Shell Theory for Carbon Nanotubes Based on the Interatomic Potential and Atomic Structure"
by J. Wu, K.C. Hwang and Y. Huang
3) "Tensegrity Structures: Sixty Years of Art, Science, and Engineering "
by C. Sultan
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v. 45 ISBN 9780123808769
The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
Mixing and chaos in open flows
Alessandro Moura, Ulrike Feudel, and Emmanuelle Gouillart
The Role of Discontinuities in Mixing
Rob Sturman
On dissipation in stirred mixtures
E. Villermaux
Beyond Passive: Chaotic Transport in Stirred Fluids
G. Metcalfe, M.F.M. Speetjens, D.R. Lester and H.J.H. Clercx
Chaotic advection for thermal mixing Yves Le Guer and Kamal El Omari
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v. 44 ISBN 9780123808783
The Advances in Applied Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics. This content is also relevant to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
- A probabilistic damage model of the dynamic fragmentation process in brittle materials (Pascal Forquin and Francois Hild)
Peridynamic Theory of Solid Mechanics (Stewart Silling and Richard Lehoucq)
Ductile fracture by void growth to coalescence (Amine Benzerga and J.-B. Lebond)
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v. 46 ISBN 9780123965226
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
Continuum Theory for the Edge of an Open Lipid Bilayer
Aisa Biria, Mohsen Maleki and Eliot Fried
A Variational Approach to Modeling Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Nonlinear Dissipative Behaviors Laurent Stainier
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v. 47 ISBN 9780128001301
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, Advances in Applied Mechanics aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
Mechanics of Material Mutations
Paolo Maria Mariano
Dynamic Discrete Dislocation Plasticity
Benat Gurrutxaga-Lerma, Daniel S. Balint, Daniele Dini, Daniel E. Eakins and Adrian P. Sutton
The Hertz-Type and Adhesive Contact Problems for Depth-Sensing Indentation
Feodor M. Borodich
Multi Field Simulation of FractureLuciano Simoni and Bernhard A. Schrefler
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v. 48 ISBN 9780128021286
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent, significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, the book aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences. The book will be of great interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but will also be beneficial to professionals who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various applications, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical, and nuclear engineering.
Contributions from:
Ellen Kuhl
Wing P. Liu
Elias C. Aifantis
Paul Steinmann
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v. 49 ISBN 9780128047798
Advances in Applied Mechanics draws together recent, significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, the book aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences. While the book is ideal for scientists and engineers working in various branches of mechanics, it is also beneficial to professionals who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various applications, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical, and nuclear engineering.
1. Internal Length Gradient (ILG) Material Mechanics Across Scales and DisciplinesElias.C. Aifantis2. Scaling to RVE in Random MediaMartin Ostoja-Starzewski, Sohan Kale, Pouyan Karimi, Anatoliy Malyarenko, Bharath Raghavan, Shivakumar I. Ranganathan and Jun Zhang
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v. 50 ISBN 9780128120934
Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 50, draws together recent, significant advances in various topics in applied mechanics. Published since 1948, the book aims to provide authoritative review articles on topics in the mechanical sciences. While the book is ideal for scientists and engineers working in various branches of mechanics, it is also beneficial to professionals who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various applications, such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.
1. Asymptotic Theory for Rayleigh and Rayleigh-Type Waves
Julius Kaplunov and Danila A. Prikazchikov
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