European management systems : towards unity out of cultural diversity
European management systems : towards unity out of cultural diversity
McGraw-Hill Bk. Co., c1994
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全20件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 284-287) and index
Portrays the main European management styles and the philosophical, economic and social contexts in which business is undertaken in France, Germany, Britain and Italy. This work aims to provide a basis for a third force to compare and contrast with Japan and Europe.
- Introduction: introduction to European management systems
- towards the European businessphere
- the European businessphere
- mapping the European terrrain. Pragmatism - experiential: free enterprise
- action learning
- the experiential manager. Rationalism - professional: planned equlibrium
- function and structure
- the professional administrator. Wholism - developmental: closed and open systems
- differentiation and integration
- the developmental manager. Humanism - convivial: the net and the quest
- artist and politician
- the convivial European manager - summary. Conclusion: a generic typology of cultures
- cultures and functions
- Europe as a learning community.
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