Modern American poets : their voices and visions


Modern American poets : their voices and visions

Robert DiYanni ; [developed by Steven Pensinger]

McGraw-Hill, c1994

2nd ed


Includes bibliographical references and index



Developed to be used alone or as part of the Annenberg-funded telecourse, MODERN AMERICAN POETS provides a rich collection of American poetry from the 20-century and includes an extensive selection of poems by thirteen poets represented in the film series, as well as additional poems representing the voices and visions of more then 60 other modern American poets. The introduction to reading poetry (Part I) provides an excellent overview and fully demonstrates the importance of active involvement and annotation. The heart of MODERN AMERICAN POETS is the poetry itself in Parts II and III. The range, diversity, and power of poetry in our time is presented here.


  • PART ONE: INTRODUCTION.READING POETRY.The Experience of Reading Poetry:Robert Hayden, Those Winter Sundays. The Process of Reading Poetry:Robert Frost, Mending Wall.The Practice of Active Reading:Theodore Roethke, My Papa's Waltz. Centering on Subject and Theme:Elizabeth Bishop, One Art.ASPECTS OF POETRY.Voices:Stephen Crane, War Is Kind. William Carlos Williams, The Widow's Lament in Springtime
  • T.S. Eliot, Journey of the Magi. Gwendolyn Brooks, The Mother.Words:Edwin Arlington Robinson, Miniver Cheevy. Adrienne Rich, RapeElizabeth Bishop, Filling Station.Images:Elizabeth Bishop, First Death in Nova ScotiaHD (Hilda Doolittle), HeatRobert Lowell, The DrinkerEzra Pound, The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter. Comparisons:Langston Hughes, Dream DeferredRobert Wallace, The Double PlaySylvia Plath, MetaphorsMarianne Moore, The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing. SymbolsPeter Meinke, Advice to My SonRobert Frost, The Road Not TakenEmily Dickinson, Because I could not stop for DeathHart Crane, Royal Palm. Sentences:Adrienne Rich, Prospective Immigrants Please NotesRobert Frost, The Silken Tente.e. Cummings, Me up at doesWallace Stevens, No Possum, No Sop, No Taters. Sounds:Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningWalt Whitman, When I Heard the Learn'd AstronomerWallace Stevens, Peter Auince at the ClavierMay Swenson, The UniverseHelen Chasin, The Word Plum. Rhythms:Robert Frost, The Span of LifeLangston Hughes, Ballad of the LandlordTheodore Roethke, Elegy for JaneRichard Wilbur, Junk. Structure:Edna St. Vincent Millay, I Dreamed I Moved among the Elysian Fields, Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat Nor Drink, What My Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why
  • John Crowe Ransom, Piazza Piece
  • Walt Whitman, When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
  • e.e. Cummings, 1, Buffalo Bill's
  • William Carlos Williams, The Dance
  • Theodore Roethke, The Waking
  • A.R. Ammons, Poetics. Revisions.Walt Whitman: A Noiseless Patient Spider
  • The Soul, Reaching, Throwing Out for Love.Robert Frost: Design
  • In White.Emily Dickinson: Safe in their Alabaster Chambers (1859 and 1861 versions).Marianne Moore: Poetry (1921, 1924, and 1967 versions).William Carlos Williams: This Is Just to Say.Kenneth Koch: Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams.Henry Reed: Chard Whitlow.Pieter Breughel the Elder: LandScape with the Fall of Icarus.William Carlos Williams: Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.W.H. Auden: Musee des Beaux Arts.Pieter Breughel the Elder: Hunters in the Snow.William Carlos Williams: The Hunters in the Snow.John Berryman: Winter Landscape.PART TWO: MAJOR VOICES AND VISIONS.Walt Whitman (1819-1892):One's-Self I Sing
  • Song of Myself
  • There Was a Child Went Forth
  • Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
  • Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
  • The Dalliance of the Eagles
  • Cavalry Crossing a Ford
  • Bivouac on a Mountain Side
  • By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame
  • Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night
  • A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim
  • The Wound Dresser
  • Reconciliation
  • When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd.Emily Dickinson (1830-1866): I cannot dance upon my Toes
  • The Soul selects her own Society
  • Success is counted sweetest
  • "Faith" is a fine invention
  • I'm "wife"--I've finished that
  • I like a look of Agony
  • Wild Nights--Wild Nights!
  • I can wade Grief
  • There's a certain Slant of light
  • I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
  • The Soul's Superior instants
  • Of all the Sounds despatched abroad
  • Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
  • A Bird came down the Walk
  • After great pain, a formal feeling comes
  • Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat?
  • Much Madness is divinest Sense
  • This was a Poet--It is That
  • I died for Beauty--but was scarce
  • I heard a Fly buzz--when I died
  • "Why do I love" You, Sir"?
  • This World is not Conclusion
  • I'm ceded--I've stopped being Theirs
  • The Soul has Bandaged moments
  • The Heart asks Pleasure--first
  • I've seen a Dying Eye
  • I reckon--when I count at all
  • There is a pain--so utter
  • The Brain--is wider than the Sky
  • I cannot live with You
  • Pain--has an Element of Blank
  • I dwell in Possibility
  • "Nature" is what we see
  • Publication--is the Auction
  • Remorse--is Memory--awake
  • My Life had stood--a Loaded Gun
  • A loss of something ever felt I
  • A narrow Fellow in the Grass
  • Title divine--is mine!
  • The Bustle in a House
  • Tell all the Truth but tell it slant
  • A Spider sewed at Night
  • The Props assist the House
  • Volcanoes be in Sicily
  • Experiment escorts us last
  • My life closed twice before its close.Robert Frost (1874-1963): Mowing
  • Storm Fear
  • The Tuft of Flowers
  • Home Burial
  • The Hill Wife
  • After Apple-Picking
  • The Wood-Pile
  • An Old Man's Winter Night
  • Birches
  • "Out, Out--"
  • Putting in the Seed
  • The Oven Bird
  • Fire and Ice
  • Dust of Snow
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
  • The Need of Being Versed in Country Things
  • Spring Pools
  • Tree at My Window
  • On Looking up by Chance at the Constellations
  • West-running Brook
  • Once by the Pacific
  • Acquainted with the Night
  • Desert Places
  • Departmental
  • Provide, Provide
  • Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same
  • The Gift Outright
  • The most of It
  • Two Look at Two.Wallace Stevens (1879- 1955): The Poems of Our Climate
  • Sunday Morning
  • Anecdote of the Jar
  • The Emperor of Ice -Cream
  • Bantams in Pine-Woods
  • Disillusionment of The Ten O'clock
  • The Snow Man
  • A High-Toned Old Christian Woman
  • O Florida, Venereal Soil
  • To the One Fictive Music
  • From The Comedian as the Letter C
  • Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
  • The Idea of Order at Key West
  • From the Man with the Blue Gutiar
  • Men made out of words
  • The sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man
  • Study of two Pears
  • The Glass of Water
  • To The Roaring Wind
  • To The Auroras of Autumn
  • A postcard from the Volcano
  • Angel Surrounded by Paysans: The Plain Sense of Things
  • The Planet on the Table
  • The River of Rivers in Connecticut
  • Not Ideas about the thing but the Thing Itself
  • The course of a Particular
  • Of Modern Poetry
  • Final Soliloguy of the interior Paramour
  • From Notes Toward a Supreme Ficition
  • Chaos in motion and Not in Motion
  • The house Was a Quiet and the World Was Calm
  • The Rock.William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)The Red Wheelborow
  • Spring and All
  • Danse Russe
  • The Young Housewife
  • Queen Annes lace
  • January Morning
  • To Elise
  • A Sort of A song
  • The Wild Increase
  • At the Ball Game
  • Between Walls
  • Nantuket
  • To a Poor Old Woman
  • The Last Words of My English Teacher
  • Shadows
  • The sparrow
  • Winter Trees
  • Complaint
  • Waiting
  • The Great Figure
  • The Locust in the Tree flower
  • Young Love
  • Asphoel, The Grenny Flower
  • From PattersonEzra Pound (1885-1972)In a Station Memo
  • Portrait d'une Femme
  • A Pact
  • The Rest
  • A Virginal
  • The Seafarer
  • Ballad of The Godly Fere
  • Senista: Altaforte
  • Planh for the English King
  • Sallutation
  • The Return
  • The Garden
  • Exile's Letter
  • From A Hostage ti Sextus Properties
  • Hugh Selwyn Maulberley
  • Canto I, and went down to the ship
  • Canto XIII Kung Walked
  • Canto XLV With Usura
  • From Canto LXXX, LXXXI,LXXXIV, LXXXVI,XCI,XCII.Marianne Moore (1887-1972)The Fish
  • To a Snail
  • The Past Is the Present
  • A Grave
  • Neverless
  • In the days of Primatic Color
  • A Jelly Fish
  • His Shield
  • The Student
  • When I Buy Pictures
  • To a prize bird
  • The Monkeys
  • The labors of Hercules
  • The Hero
  • Sojourn in the World
  • Critics and Connoisseurs
  • Properity
  • England
  • In Distrust of Mertis
  • A face
  • no Swan So Fine
  • Four quartz Crystal clocks
  • The Steeple-Jack
  • The Jeroa
  • Marriage
  • An Octopus
  • T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)The Love Song of J. Alferd Prufok
  • Preludes
  • Gerontion
  • The Waste Land
  • little gidding
  • Hart Crane (1899-1932)My Grandfathers Love Letters
  • Chaplinese
  • Praise for an Un
  • Repose of Rivers
  • Passage
  • Legend
  • legende
  • The Wine Menagerie
  • At Melivilles Tomb: For the Marriage of Fautus and Helen
  • Voyages
  • o Cribe Isle
  • To Emily Dickson
  • The broken Tower
  • From The Bridge
  • Proem: To Brookyln Bridge
  • I. ave Maria
  • From II Powhatan's Daughter
  • VII The Tunnel
  • VIII Atlantis
  • Langston Hughes
  • (1902-1967)The Negro Speaks of Rivers
  • Mother to Son
  • dream Variationsl Mulato
  • I Too
  • My People
  • The Weary Blues
  • Song Fo r A Dark Girl
  • young Girls Blues
  • Morning After
  • Trumpet Player
  • When She Wears Red
  • Same in Blues
  • Dream Boggie
  • Madam and the Rent Man
  • Theme for English
  • Aunt Sues Stories
  • Feet O Jesus
  • Genius Child
  • Listen Here Blues
  • Consider Me
  • Let America Be America Again
  • Madrid
  • Negro Ghetto
  • Note on commercial Theater
  • I'm Still Here.Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979)Sandpiper
  • The Man-Moth
  • The Shampoo
  • Seascape
  • The MAp
  • The Monument
  • The Unbeliever
  • The Fish
  • At the fishhouse
  • The Moose
  • questions of Travel The Armadillo
  • Argument
  • Sestina
  • The Prodigal
  • in the waiting Room
  • Santerem
  • Pink Dog
  • Cruse in England
  • Robert Lowell (1917-1977)Epilogue
  • The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket
  • Mr. Edwards and the Spider
  • After the surprising conversations
  • my Last afternoon with Uncle Devereux
  • Winslow
  • Florence
  • Beyond the Alps
  • Memories of West Street and lepke
  • Man And Wife
  • Sailing Home from Rapallo
  • Skunk hour
  • For the union Dead
  • Robert Kennedy
  • two Walls
  • May: 1968, Martian Luther King Murder
  • Roberts Frost
  • reading Myself
  • The Mouth of the Hudson
  • Fall
  • Walking Early Sunday Morning
  • The Old Flame
  • Home After the months away
  • Walking in the blue
  • Turtle
  • returning Turtle' Dolphin
  • Sylvia Plath(1932-1963)Black Book In Rainy Weather
  • The Colossus
  • Morning Song
  • The Applicant
  • Lazy Lazarus
  • death & Co
  • the Beekeepers Daughter
  • the Disquieting Musesl Ariel
  • Daddy
  • fever 103 Degress
  • Edge
  • Words
  • Mirror
  • heavy Woman
  • The Moon and The Yew Tree
  • Tulips
  • Elm
  • Cut
  • Nick and the Candlestick
  • Crossing the Water
  • Blackberry
  • Part Three: Other Voices and Visions: Modern and Contemporary PoetsEdwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935)Richard Cory. Mr. Floods Party. < H3>HD (Hilda Doolittle) (1886-1961)Sea Rose. Evening.John Crowe Ransom (1886-1974)Bells for John Whitesides Daughter. blue girls. Janet WalkingLouise Bogon ( 1897-1970)Men Loved Wholly Beyond Wisdom. Women.Richard Eberhart (b. 1904)The Groundhog.Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989)The Corner of the EyeW.H. Auden (1907-1973)The Unknown Citizen. In Memory of W.B. Yeats.Theodore Roethke (1908-1963)The Premonition. Child on Top of a Greenhosue. I Knew a Woman. The Far Field.Charles Olson (1910-1970)Maximus, to Gloucester, Sunday, July 19.Robert Hayden (1913-1980)O Daedalus, Fly Away Home. The Whipping. John Berryman (1914-1972)From Dream Songs.Gwendolyn Brooks (b. 1917)A Song in the Front YardRobert Duncan (1919-1988)Often I Am Permitted to Return to a MeadowMay Swenson (b. 1919)How Everything Happens. Women. The Centaur.Richard Wilbur (b. 1921)Mind. Juggler.Louis Simpson (b. 1923)The Heroes. American Poetry. Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain.Kenneth Koch (b. 1925)To You. You Were Wearing.A.R. Ammons (b. 1926)Reflective. Extrication.Robert Creeley (b. 1926)I Know a Man. The Language.Allen Ginsberg (b. 1926)A Supermarket in California. Howl.Frank O'Hara (1926-1966)Autobiographia Literaria. Ave Maria.John Ashbery (b. 1927)Some Trees.Galway Kinnell (b. 1927)To Christ Our Lord. The Bear. Saint Francis and the Sow. Blackberry Eating.W.S. Merwin (b. 1927)When You Go Away. Separation. Elegy.James Wright (1927-1980)Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota. A Blessing.Anne Sexton (1928-1974)Her Kind. Us.Donald Hall (b. 1928)My Son, My Executioner. Kicking the Leaves.John Hollander (b. 1929)Adam's Task. Swan and Shadow.X.J. Kennedy (b. 1929)First Confession. In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus One Day.Adrienne Rich (b. 1929)Storm Warnings. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers. The Knight. Diving into the Wreck. From An Atlas of the Difficult WorldGary Snyder (b. 1930)Riprap. Prayer for the Great Family.Sandra Schor (1932-1990)At Point Hope on the Chukchi SeaEtheridge Knight (b. 1933)Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Haiku.Imanu Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) (b. 1934)An Agony. As now. Ka 'Ba.Audre Lorde (b. 1934)Now That I Am Forever with ChildMary Oliver (b. 1934)Poem for My Father's GhostMark Strand (b. 1934)Elegy for My FatherLucille Clifton (b. 1936)Homage to My Hips. The Lost Baby Poem.Michael Harper (b. 1938)American History. Martin's Blues. Nightmare Begins Reponsibility.Charles Simic (b. 1938)StoneBarbara Holder (b. 1939)First DeathRobert Pinksy (b. 1940)DyingRobert Hass (b. 1941)Meditation at LagunitasMarilyn Hacker (b. 1942)CanzoneLouise Gluck (b. 1943)The School Children. The Garden.James Tate (b. 1943)The Lost PilotJerry W. Ward, Jr. (b. 1943)Jazz to Jackson to JohnChristopher Jane Corkery (b. 1946)As in the Days of the ProphetsNeal Bowers (b. 1948)Divining Love Baron Wormser (b.1948)Friday NightJorie Graham (b. 1951)MindJimmy Santiago Baca (b. 1952)From Meditations on the South ValleyRita Dove (b. 1952)CanaryAlice Fulton (b. 1952)My Second Marriage to My First HusbandAlbert Rios (b. 1952)A Dream of HusbandsSheryl Noethe (b. 1954)Slow Dancing with BillyCathy Song (b. 1955)Lost SisterJulia AlvarezBookmakingGlossaryIndex

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