Yugoslavia through documents : from its creation to its dissolution
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Yugoslavia through documents : from its creation to its dissolution
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, c1994
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Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
This book contains more than 360 documents relevant to the international legal position of the Yugoslav territories in the 19th century, the creation of Yugoslavia as a common state of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 1918, its constitutional development, and the process of dissolution of Yugoslavia and the creation of the new states of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It includes documents from the beginning of the 19th century showing the international legal position of the Yugoslav territories under the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires, the independence of Serbia and Montenegro, recognized by the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, and the major events in the history of the creation of Yugoslavia as a joint state of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, in 1918, concerning both its international position and its constitutional organization. The process of the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (covering the period from 1990 to September 1, 1993) is presented through reproduced documents of international organizations (United Nations, European Community, Western European Union, Organization of Islamic Conference, etc.), of the different conferences and forums (CSCE, Group of Seven, etc.) and documents issued by Yugoslav organs and the organs of new states of the former Yugoslavia. The book also includes documents of a constitutional nature concerning the creation of the new states of Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
It provides researchers in the field of international law, political science of history with documentary information involving international legal and constitutional aspects relating to Yugoslavia.
Table of Contents
Part I: 1809--1914.
Part II: 1914--1990.
Part III: 1990--1 September 1993.
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