Ultrasound and the ovary


Ultrasound and the ovary

[edited by] Asim Kurjak

(Progress in obstetric and gynecological sonography series)

Parthenon Pub. Group, 1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume explains how sonography is now used to explore all aspects of ovarian structure, physiology and disease. the ovary is perhaps the most active organ in the female body, and as such is particularly complex in its embrology, histology and steroidogenesis. It is derived from a range of tissue types, and represents the site of origin of a larger variety of primary and secondary cancers than any other organ. Because of this complexity, the use of diagnostic ultrasound is becoming increasingly important, not only in expanding the understanding of the ovary, but in enhancing the potential for early diagnosis of ovarian tumours. The use of this important diagnostic tool to investigate the ovary is fully explored and explained, using extensive colour illustrations. It presents the reader with a comprehensive guide to all the latest ultrasonic imaging techniques, and covers every aspect of this rapidly advancing area of medicine. The book includes useful information on the diagnosis and management of ovarian cysts in the foetus, the role of sonography in paediatric and adolescent patients and the diagnosis and management of ovarian tumours. The use of ultrasound to screen for ovarian cancer is also described, together with the ethical and legal aspects of the use of ultrasound. In each chapter, the reader is taken step-by-step through all the practical applications of ultrasonography that are relavant to current assessment of the ovary.

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