
UK and Ireland : practical commercial law

Karen Delamore, William Earley, Alexis Maitland Hudson ; general editor, Alexis Maitland Hudson

(European commercial law series)

Longman Law, Tax and Finance, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes index



Containing a wealth of information, this book ensures a clear understanding of law and practice in the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. This practical work is unique in that it highlights the differences in law between the various jurisdictions of England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The book brings together the combined expertise of practitioners from leading commercial firms in each jurisdiction. Different subject areas are examined in each chapter, and coverage includes: * intellectual property * competition law * business organisations * mergers and acquisitions * agency, distribution and franchising * property and succession * immigration and employment * taxation * banking and finance * insolvency * environmental and planning law For full practical coverage the authors highlight problem areas and provide practical working solutions for each country. * Provides advice to practitioners on how to go about a business transaction in the UK and Ireland * Wherever there exists a difference between the laws in England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, this is clearly indicated in the book * Provides information on the relevant legal principles to be applied in the UK and Irelan


Following the series format the contents cover:/Industrial and Intellectual Property Competition Law/Business Organisations/Mergers and Acquisitions Agency, Distribution and, Franchising/Taxation Immigration and Employment/Insolvency/Banking and Finance Environmental and Planning Law/Trusts, Real Property and Succession

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