Managing turfgrass pests


Managing turfgrass pests

Thomas L. Watschke, Peter H. Dernoeden, David J. Shetlar

(Advances in turfgrass science)

Lewis Publishers, 1994


Includes bibliographical references and index



Written by three of the top professionals in the turfgrass field, Managing Turfgrass Pests provides hundreds of pest management methods in a single volume and emphasizes management as the major thrust of control. Development of cultural methods for control of individual pests, chemical control methods, and detailed descriptions of individual pests in each section are followed by extensive cultural management tips. Find out how to accurately diagnose the onset of infestation; how to identify pests and gain knowledge of their cycles, when and where they attack, and the damage they leave in their wakes; and how to control them using a variety of detailed options. The book includes 24 pages of more than 90 full-color photographs of grasses and insects and is also illustrated with more than 160 detailed drawings of weeds and insects.


Turfgrass Weeds and Their Management (T.L. Watschke) Introduction Managing Summer Annual Grasses: Crabgrasses. Goosegrass. Foxtail. Barnyardgrass. Fall Panicum. Dallisgrass. Sandbur. Managing Winter Annual Grasses: Poa annua. Managing Perennial Grasses and Sedges: Creeping Bentgrass. Tall Fescue. Orchardgrass. Timothy. Smooth Brome. Quackgrass. Nimblewill. Bermudagrass. Zoysiagrass. Nutsedge. Rescuegrass. Managing Summer Annual Broadleaf Weeds: Oxalis. Knotweed. Spotted Spurge. Purslane. Prostrate Pigweed. Lambsquarters. Puncturevine. Ragweed. Carpetweed. Kochia. Florida Pusley. Sow Thistle. Brass Buttons. Managing Winter Annual Broadleaf Weeds: Common Chickweed. Henbit. Shepherd's Purse. Corn Speedwell. Bedstraw. Dog Fennel. Peppergrass. Managing Biennials: Yellow Rocket. Wild Carrot. Black Medic. Managing Perennial Broadleaf Weeds: Wild Garlic. Dandelion. White Clover. Plantain. Buckhorn. Mouse-Ear Chickweed. Mallow. Ground Ivy. Sheep Sorrel. Canada Thistle. Chickory. Curly Dock. Bull Thistle. Healall. Ox-Eye Daisy. Hawkweed. Thyme-Leaf Speedwell. Creeping Speedwell. Violet. Stitchwort. Bindweed. Bellflower. Cinquefoil. Yarrow. Moss. Betony. Beggarweed. Bur Clover. English Daisy. Oxalis (Creeping). Weed Management IPM References Turfgrass Diseases and Their Management (P.H. Dernoeden) Introduction Monitoring Disease and Establishing Thresholds Relationship of Environmental Conditions and Cultural Practices to Disease Biological Control of Turfgrass Diseases Winter Diseases: Pink Snow Mold or Fusarium Patch. Gray Snow Mold or Typhula Blight. Yellow Patch or Cool Temperature Brown Patch. Low Temperature Pythium or Snow Blight. Diseases Initiated in Fall or Spring that May Persist into Summer: Red Thread and Pink Patch. Helminthosporium Leaf Spot and Melting-Out. Take-All Patch. Necrotic Ring Spot. Spring Dead Spot. Large Patch of Zoysiagrass. Pythium Root Rot. Dollar Spot. Stripe Smut and Flag Smut. Powdery Mildew. Anthracnose. Ascochyta and Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blights. Yellow Tuft or Downy Mildew. Diseases Initiated During Summer that May Persist into Autumn: Bermudagrass Decline. Brown Patch or Rhizoctonio Blight. Pythium Blight. Summer Patch. Fusarium Blight. Southern Blight. Helminthosporium Leaf Spot, Melting-Out and Red Leaf Spot. Curvularia Blight. Nigrospora Blight. Copper Spot. Fairy Rings. Superficial Fairy Ring. Localized Dry Spot. Yellow Ring. Gray Leaf Spot. Cercospora Leaf Spot. White Blight. Slime Mold. Rust. Seedling Diseases and Damping-Off. Virus Diseases: St. Augustine Decline and Centipede Mosaic Bacterial Diseases: Bacterial Wilt Plant Parasitic Nematodes Algae and Black-Layer Factors Associated with Fungicide Use: Fungicide Use in Lawn Care. Fungicide Use on Golf Courses. Types of Fungicides. Fungicide Application. Turfgrass Insect and Mite Management (D.J. Shetlar) Goal of Insect and Mite Management in Turf: Pest Identification. Pest Life Cycles. Turf, A Unique Habitat. Monitoring. Selecting Appropriate Controls. Leaf and Stem Infesting Insect and Mite Pests: Bermudagrass Mite. Clover Mite. Banks Grass Mite. Winter Grain Mite. Greenbug. Sod Webworms (Lawn Moth). Cutworms and Armyworms. Other Turf Infesting Caterpillars. Stem and Thatch Infesting Insect and Mite Pests: Chinch Bug and Hairy Chinch Bug. Southern Chinch Bug. Twolined Spittlebug. Rhodesgrass Mealybug. Bermudagrass Scale. Billbugs. Annual Bluegrass Weevil. Cranberry Girdler. Burrowing Sod Webworms. European Cranefly or Leather Jacket. Frit Fly. Thatch and Root Infesting Insect and Mite Pests: Mole Crickets. Ground Pearls. White Grubs. Black Turfgrass Ataenius. Asiatic Garden Beetle. European Chafer. Green June Beetle. Japanese Beetle. Northern Masked Chafer. Southern Masked Chafer. Oriental Beetle. May and June Beetles, Phyllophaga. Nuisance Invertebrate, Insect, and Mite Pests: Earthworms. Slugs and Snails. Spiders and Tarantulas. Chiggers. Ticks. Sowbugs and Pillbugs. Centipedes. Millipedes. Earwigs. Bigeyed Bugs. Leafhoppers. Ground Beetles. Rove Beetles. Fleas. March Flies (Bibionids). Ants. Fire Ants. Cicada Killer. Nuisance Vertebrate Pests: Common Grackle. Starling. Redwinged Blackbird. Moles. Pocket Gophers. Skunks and Civet Cats. Raccoon. Ninebanded Texas Armadillo. References. Index

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