Control and estimation of distributed parameter systems : nonlinear phenomena : international conference in Vorau (Austria), July 18-24, 1993


Control and estimation of distributed parameter systems : nonlinear phenomena : international conference in Vorau (Austria), July 18-24, 1993

edited by W. Desch, F. Kappel, K. Kunisch

(International series of numerical mathematics, v. 118)

Birkhäuser Verlag, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes bibliographical references

"The International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems (Nonlinear Phenomena) was held at the Chorherrenstift Vorau" -- Pref



These 22 papers on control of nonlinear partial differential equations highlight the area from a wide variety of viewpoints. They comprise theoretical considerations such as optimality conditions, relaxation, or stabilizability theorems, as well as the development and evaluation of new algorithms. A significant part of the volume is devoted to applications in engineering, continuum mechanics and population biology.


  • A semigroup formulation of a nonlinear size-structured distributed rate population model, H.T. Banks, F. Kappel and C. Wang
  • damage detection and characterization in smart material structures, H.T. Banks and Y. Wang
  • optimality conditions for non-qualified parabolic control problems, M. Bergounioux, T. Maennikkoe and D. Tiba
  • convergence of trajectories for a controlled viscous Burgers' equation, C.I. Byrnes, D.S. Gilliam and V.I. Shubov
  • optimality conditions for boundary control problems of parabolic type, P. Cannarsa and M.E. Tessitore
  • Pontryagin's principle for optimal control problems governed by semilinear elliptic equations, E. Casas
  • invariance of the Hamiltonian in control problems for semi-linear parabolic distributed parameter systems, H.O. Fattorini
  • rate distribution modeling for structured heterogeneous populations, B.G. Fitzpatrick
  • a model for a two-layered plate with interfacial slip, S.W. Hansen
  • numerical solution of a constrained control problem for a phase field model, M. Heinkenschloss and E.W. Sachs
  • uniform stabilizability of nonlinearly coupled Kirchhoff plate equations, M.A. Horn and I. Lasiecka
  • boundary temperature control for thermally coupled Navier-Stokes equations, K. Ito
  • adaptive estimation of nonlinear distributed parameter systems, J. Kazimir and I.G. Rosen
  • decay estimates for the wave equation with internal clamping, V. Komornik
  • on the controllability of the rotation of a flexible arm, W. Krabs
  • modelling and controllability of interconnected elastic membranes, J.E. Lagnese
  • on feedback controls for dynamic networks of strings and beams and their numerical simulation, G. Leugering
  • various relaxations in optimal control of distributed parameter systems, T. Roubicek
  • convergence of an SQP-method for a class of nonlinear parabolic boundary control problems, F. Troltzsch
  • conditional stability in determination of densities of heat sources in a bounded domain, M. Yamamoto
  • boundary stabilisation of the Korteweg-de Vries equation, B.-Y. Zhang
  • controllability of the linear system of thermoelasticity - Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions, E. Zuazua.

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