Poverty and charity : Europe, Italy, Venice, 1400-1700


Poverty and charity : Europe, Italy, Venice, 1400-1700

Brian Pullan

(Collected studies series, CS459)

Variorum, 1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes index



The essays in this collection, first published over a thirty-year period, attempt to show how Roman Catholic communities in early modern Europe (particularly the great cities of Italy, and Venice above all) treated poor people and organized poor relief. Some essays discuss the principal groupings of poor, from the genteel, 'shamefaced' poor to orphans and foundlings, and from working folk to idle rogues. Others examine the motives and functions of the principal types of organization that dealt with poor people, either incidentally or as their main concern: religious brotherhoods, hospitals, conservatories, public loan banks, houses for the conversion of Jews and Muslims to Christianity. One main argument is that, although Catholics and Protestants shared a dislike and fear of vagrancy and reacted in similar ways to economic crises, Catholic charity was in many respects quite different from Protestant. Les essais contenus dans ce recueil, initialement parus sur une periode de trente-quatre ans, tentent de montrer comment les communautes catholiques (romaines), A l'aube de l'Europe moderne (particulierement dans les grandes cites italiennes et surtout A Venise), traitaient les pauvres et organisaient leur soutien. Certains essais s'interessent aux principaux groupements de pauvres: des pauvres decents et honteux , aux orphelins et enfants trouves, ainsi que des travailleurs aux bons A rien. D'autres examinent les motifs et fonctions des principaux types d'organisations qui s'occupaient des pauvres, soit de faAon occasionnelle ou en tant qu'activite principale: confreries religieuses , hospices, conservatoires, caisses d'emprunts publiques, centres de conversion au Christianisme pour Juifs et Musulmans. Un des arguments principaux etant le suivant: Catholiques et Protestants, bien que partageant la mAme peur et le mAme degoA"t vis A vis du vagabondage et que reagissant de faAon analogue face aux situations de crise e


  • Contents: Catholics and the poor in early modern Europe
  • The roles of the State and the town in the General Crisis of the 1590s
  • Orphans and foundlings in early modern Europe
  • Poveri, mendicanti e vagabondi (secoli XIV-XVII)
  • 'Support and Redeem': charity and poor relief in Italian cities from the 14th to the 17th century
  • 'Difettosi, impotenti, inabili': caring for the disabled in early modern Italian cities
  • Plague and perceptions of the poor in early modern Italy
  • Wage-earners and the Venetian economy, 1550-1630
  • Religious brotherhoods in Venice
  • Houses in the service of the poor in the Venetian Republic
  • The conversion of the Jews: the style of Italy
  • The Scuole Grandi of Venice: some further thoughts
  • Index.

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