Philosophy, religion, and the spiritual life


Philosophy, religion, and the spiritual life

edited by Michael McGhee

(Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement, 32)

Cambridge University Press, c1992


"The present collection of fourteen essays derives from the 1991 Royal Institute of Philosophy conference at Liverpool"--Introd

"Supplement to 'Philosophy'"--Cover

Includes bibliographical references and index



An alternative agenda for the philosophy of religion emerges from this interdisciplinary collection. Going outside the traditional concerns of natural theology, the distinguished contributors to this volume explore such topics as the nature of selfhood and its images in the ancient, the medieval and the modern world; the role of philosophy as a route to wisdom; non-conceptual awareness; and the nature of love and its relation to attention. Discussion focuses on the figures of Plato and Augustine, William James and the Absolute Idealist F. H. Bradley, Kierkegaard and Heidegger, as well as leading figures of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.


  • Introduction Michael McGhee
  • 1. Philosophy and religion in the thought of Kierkegaard Michael Weston
  • 2. De Consolatione Philosophiae John Haldane
  • 3. The real or the Real? Chardin or Rothco Anthony O'Hear
  • 4. Love and attention Janet Martin Soskice
  • 5. Descartes' debt to Augustine Stephen R. L. Clark
  • 6. Visions of the self in late Medieval Christianity: some cross-disciplinary reflections Sarah Coakley
  • 7. Refined and crass supernaturalism R. L .S. Sprigge
  • 8. Religious imagination Ronald W. Hepburn
  • 9. Moral values as religious absolutes James P. Mackey
  • 10. Revealing the scapegoat mechanism: Christianity after Girard Fergus Kerr
  • 11. Philosophy vs. mysticism: an Islamic controversy Oliver Leaman
  • 12. Non-conceptuality, critical reasoning and religious experience: some Tibetan Buddhist discussions Paul Williams
  • 13. 'Know Thyself': what kind of an injunction? Rowan Williams
  • 14. Facing truths: ethics and the spiritual life Michael McGhee
  • Index.

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