Church, law and society in Catalonia, 900-1500


Church, law and society in Catalonia, 900-1500

Paul Freedman

(Collected studies series, CS440)

Variorum, 1994


Includes bibliographical references and index



This work concerns Catalonia, the northeastern part of the Iberian peninsula, during the Middle Ages. Centred on the great port city of Barcelona, Catalonia formed the richest and most culturally advanced part of what became the kingdom of Aragon, and extended its commercial and political power throughout the Mediterranean. It emphasizes two themes in particular: the role of the Catalan church in its society, and the condition of the peasantry, especially with respect to serfdom. The first eight articles discuss questions of episcopal power in relation to monasteries, urban society and the state. The remaining articles consider the reasons for peasant servitude in a region which had previously enjoyed a free system of land tenure. The essays aim to compare the experience of Catalonia with the more widely-studied realms of northern Europe and with the other Spanish kingdoms.


  • L'influence wisigothique sur l'eglise catalane
  • le pouvoir episcopal en Catalogne au Xe siecle
  • Archbishop Berenguer Seniofred de Lluca and the Gregorian reform in Catalonia
  • a new letter from the early pontificate of Pope Innocent III
  • a letter of Pope Innocent III concerning a dispute between Vic and Tarragona
  • two letters of Pope Honorius III on the collection of ecclesiastical revenues in Spain
  • jurisdictional disputes over Sant Pere d'Ager (Catalonia) in light of new papal documents
  • an unsuccessful attempt at urban organization in 12th-century Catalonia
  • the enserfment process in medieval Catalonia
  • evidence from ecclesiastical sources
  • military orders in Osona during the 12th and 13th centuries
  • military orders and peasant servitude in Catalonia - 12th and 13th centuries
  • la condition des paysans dans un village catalan du XIIIe siecle
  • the Catalan lus maletractandi
  • Catalan lawyers and the origins of serfdom
  • symbolic implications of the events of 985-988
  • cowardice, heroism and the legendary origins of Catalonia
  • the German and Catalan peasant revolts.

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