New horizons in neuropsychology : proceedings of the 9th Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Neuroscience (TMIN) Symposium 'New Horizons in Neuropsychology', Tokyo, 24-25 November 1993


New horizons in neuropsychology : proceedings of the 9th Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Neuroscience (TMIN) Symposium 'New Horizons in Neuropsychology', Tokyo, 24-25 November 1993

editor, Morihiro Sugishita.

(International congress series, no. 1054)

Elsevier, 1994


New horizons in neuropsychology : proceedings of the 9th Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Neuroscience (TMIN) Symposium "New Horizons in Neuropsychology", Tokyo, 24-25 November 1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 32



Includes bibliographical references and index



In the past, clinical research employing brain-damaged patients was the most common approach to tackle the question of the relationship between brain and mind. Since about the beginning of the 1990s, research using PET and electrical stimulation has much advanced, and furthermore, new techniques such as functional MRI and magnetic stimulation have emerged. Clinical research studies with brain-damaged patients also have made progress since MRI became widely available. Recent advancement in psychophysics and cognitive psychology has also greatly contributed to the development of the study of brain and mind. The problem of the relationship between brain and mind is now a "hot" topic. For this symposium, specialists from the various areas were brought together, with a view to improving communication between researchers. The latest research and insights of leading workers in the field are provided in this publication.


  • Part 1 Imaging of the cerebral hemisphere: mapping human brain activity non-invasively by nuclear magnetic resonance, K. Ugurbil et al
  • mapping cortical functions using PET activation technique, M. Senda
  • music and the brain - evidence from amusia and from PET studies of normal subjects, J. Sergent
  • evolution of cortical metabolism and blood flow during recovery from aphasia, K. Nagata et al. Part 2 Stimulation of the cerebral hemisphere: studies of conscious experience using electrical stimulation of human brain - the neural time-factor, B. Libet
  • electrical stimulation of motor cortex - neural basis and cortical mapping, I. Suzuki et al
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the study of human cognitive function, A. Pascual-Leone et al
  • effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive function, Y. Takayama and M. Sugishita. Part 3 Psychological approach: cortical colour blindness spares colour input to motion perception, P. Cavanagh et al
  • selective attention in visual pattern perception, J. Watanabe. Part 4 Callosal lesions: perceptual integration following commissurotomy - a reappraisal, M.C. Corballis
  • fundus tachistoscope and its application to the study of the commissurotomy patient, M. Sugishita et al
  • optimal range of callosal section based on cortical lesion and function, H. Shimizu et al. Part 5 Hemispheric lesions: the influence of brain atrophy and irritability on right hemisphere stroke syndromes, D.N. Levine
  • mechanisms of unilateral spatial neglect, S. Ishiai
  • category - and modality-specific deficits in lexical processing, A. Hillis and A. Caramazza.

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