Occupational socialization and working lives
Bibliographic Information
Occupational socialization and working lives
(Cardiff papers in qualitative research)
Avebury, c1994
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Description and Table of Contents
This volume presents a collection of studies on occupational socialization and the everyday realities of work. It includes detailed, empirically based accounts of a variety of occupational settings. Included are: social workers; trainee midwives; prison officers; accountants; teachers; psychiatrists; postgraduate research students. All these works follow the tradition of qualitative research that has been developed at Cardiff.
Table of Contents
- The happy family - learning colleagueship in a social work team
- collective responsibility and individual success - the early training experiences of graduate accountants
- prison officers and their survival strategies
- retreat and regroup - occupational boundaries of teaching in a special school
- "there is more than one way to kill a cat" - making sense of post-experience professional training
- novices and experts
- initial encounters in midwifery
- reproducing psychiartry
- suspended between two stools - doctoral students in British higher education.
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