Geological aspects of hazardous waste management


Geological aspects of hazardous waste management

Stephen M. Testa

Lewis Publishers, c1994


Includes bibliographical references and index



Geologic Aspects of Hazardous Waste Management brings together technical, legislative, regulatory, and business aspects of hazardous waste issues as they pertain to preventing, assessing, containing, and remediating soil and groundwater contamination. The book emphasizes how subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic conditions affect the decision-making process, and it focuses on critical issues facing industry, government, and the public. The book is excellent for consultants, project managers, regulators, geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists, hydrogeologists, risk assessors, environmental engineers, chemists, toxicologists, and environmental lawyers.


CONTENTS -- Chapter-1 Introduction -- The Waste Problem -- Waste Disposal Alternatives -- The Role of the Geologist -- Bibliography -- Chapter-2 Regulatory Framework -- Introduction -- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) -- Clean Water Act (CWA) -- Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) -- Drinking Water Standards -- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program -- Sole Source Aquifers (SSA) -- Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) -- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) -- Hazardous and Toxic Wastes -- Mining Wastes -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) -- Remedial Investigation /Feasibility Study -- Environmental Site Assessments -- Oil-Field Properties -- Geothermal Properties -- Bibliography -- Chapter-3 Geologic Principles -- Introduction -- Porosity, Permeability, and Diagenesis -- Sedimentary Sequences and Facies Architecture -- Fluvial Sequences -- Alluvial Fan Sequences -- Deltaic Sequences -- Glacial Sequences -- Eolian Sequences -- Carbonate Sequences -- Volcanic-Sedimentary Sequences -- Structural Style and Framework -- Faults -- Fractured Media -- Seismicity -- Bibliography -- Chapter-4 Hydrogeologic Principles -- Introduction -- The Flux Equation -- Darcy's Law -- Fick's Law -- Gases and Vapors -- Saturated Systems -- Types of Aquifers -- Steady State Flow -- Nonsteady Flow -- Unsaturated Systems -- Capillary Barriers -- Groundwater Chemistry -- Bibliography -- Chapter-5 Techniques for Subsurface Characterization -- Introduction -- Subsurface Exploration -- Soil and Rock Borings -- Hollow-Stem Auger Drilling -- Cable-Tool Drilling -- Rotary Drilling -- Wire-Line Coring -- Horizontal Drilling -- Monitoring Wells and Piezometers -- Vapor Wells -- Cone Penetration Testing -- Classification of Subsurface Materials -- Unconsolidated Deposits -- Unified Soil Classification System -- Burmister Soil Identification System -- Comprehensive Soil Classification System -- Other Pertinent Soil Information -- Consolidated Deposits -- Soil Vapor Monitoring -- Boring Logs and Well Construction Details -- Boring Logs -- Well Construction Details -- Soil Vapor Monitoring -- Bibliography -- Chapter-6 Geophysical Applications -- Introduction -- Surface Geophysical Techniques -- Ground Penetrating Radar -- Electromagnetic Induction -- Resistivity -- Seismic -- Gravity -- Magnetometry -- Downhole Geophysical Techniques -- Nuclear Logs -- Natural Gamma Logs -- Gamma-Spectrometry Logs -- Gamma-Gamma Logs -- Neutron-Epithermal Neutron Logs -- Other Nuclear Logs -- Electric Logs -- Resistivity Logs -- Spontaneous-Potential Logs -- Dipmeter Logs -- Fluid Logs -- Conductivity Logs -- Flow Logs -- Temperature Logs -- Caliper Logs -- Acoustic Logs -- Acoustic-Velocity Logs -- Acoustic Wave-Form Logs -- Cement-Bond Logs -- Acoustic-Televiewer Logs -- Bibliography -- Chapter-7 Waste Characterization -- Introduction -- Waste Characterization -- Soil as a Hazardous Waste -- Groundwater as a Hazardous Waste -- Selection of Maximum Contaminant Levels and Goals -- Crude Oil -- Debris Rule -- Declassification -- Bibliography -- Chapter-8 Subsurface Processes -- Introduction -- Physical Processes -- Advection -- Dispersion -- Diffusion -- Volatilization -- Filtration -- Biological Processes -- Subsurface Organisms -- Nutrition, Energy, and Cell Metabolism -- Enzymes, DNA, and Plasmids -- The Bacterial Cell and Biological Processes -- Biodegradation of Xenobiotics -- Biovolatilization -- Bioassimilation and Bioaccumulation -- Biomineralization -- Chemical Processes -- Solute Concentrations in Natural Waters -- Chemical Equilibria -- Henry's Law and Dissolved Gases -- Dissociation -- Acid /Base Reactions -- Dissolution /Precipitation -- Hydrolysis -- Oxidation /Reduction (Redox) -- Complexation -- The Carbonate System -- Speciation -- Thermal Degradation -- Photochemical Reactions -- Ion Exchange and Sorption -- Retardation Factors -- Bibliography -- Chapter-9 Nonaqueous Phase Liquids -- Introduction -- Properties of NAPLs -- Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids -- LNAPL Apparent vs Actual Thickness -- LNAPL Recovery Considerations -- Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids -- DNAPL Apparent vs Actual Thickness -- DNAPL Recovery Considerations -- Source Identification -- Bibliography -- Chapter-10 Landfill Disposal -- Introduction -- Landfill Design -- Liner System -- Leachate Collection and Removal System -- Siting Criteria -- Vadose Detection Monitoring -- Lysimeters -- Neutron Moisture Probes -- Groundwater Detection Monitoring -- Point of Compliance -- Well Placement -- Parametric Studies -- Case Histories -- Arlington Facility, North-Central Oregon -- Site Description -- Facility Layout and Operation -- Geologic Setting -- Hydrogeologic Setting -- Groundwater Monitoring System Design -- Casmalia Resources Facility, Southern California -- Site Description -- Facility Layout and Operation -- Geologic Setting -- Hydrogeologic Setting -- Groundwater Monitoring System Design -- Bibliography -- Chapter-11 Underground Injection -- Introduction -- Classes of Injection Wells -- Class I Wells -- Class II Wells -- Class III Wells -- Class IV Wells -- Class V Wells -- Siting Criteria -- Designation of Underground Sources of Drinking Water -- Aquifer Exemption -- Hydrogeologic Considerations -- Injection Zone Characteristics -- Confining Zone Characteristics -- Area of Review -- Design Criteria -- Reporting and Monitoring -- Geochemical Fate of Injected Hazardous Waste -- Bibliography -- Chapter-12 Underground Geologic Repositories -- Introduction -- Siting Criteria -- Host Rock Types -- Rock Salt -- Granite -- Basalts -- Volcanic Tuffs -- Sedimentary Rocks -- Design Considerations -- Existing Mines -- Solution-Mined Caverns -- Mining Methods -- Rock Mechanics -- Newly Mined Space -- Bibliography -- Chapter-13 Ocean Disposal -- Introduction -- Types of Ocean Waste -- Dredged Materials -- Sewage Sludge -- Industrial Wastes -- Construction Debris -- Incineration Residue Waste -- Other Waste Types -- The Ocean Environment -- Continental Margins -- Continental Shelf -- Continental Slope -- Shelfbreak -- Continental Rise -- Deep Ocean Regimes -- Abyssal Plains -- Abyssal Hills -- Ocean Processes -- Physical Processes -- Chemical Processes -- Biological Processes -- Geologic Considerations -- Stability and Predictability -- Sediment Properties -- Sediment Processes -- Bibliography -- Appendices -- A Conversions for International System (SI Metric) and United States Units -- B Glossary of Regulatory Terms of Geologic Significance -- C Analysis Reference Chart -- Index.

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