Law and liturgy in the Latin church, 5th-12th centuries


Law and liturgy in the Latin church, 5th-12th centuries

Roger E. Reynolds

(Collected studies series, CS457)

Variorum, 1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9




The two themes brought together in this volume - the canon law and the liturgy of the early medieval Latin Church - have close links, as these articles reveal. At the basis of this lies that fact that the collections and manuscripts with which Professor Reynolds is concerned provide the source material for both fields of study. In the book particular emphasis is given to the Irish Collection canonum hibernensis and its many derivatives, to works from Carolingian Salzburg and eleventh-century Southern Italy, and to liturgical collections. The whole illustrates the need for liturgiologists to be aware of the riches in medieval legal sources, and for legal historians to take account of the wealth of liturgical material that is a principal ingredient of the law of the Church; and demonstrates how much one field can contribute to understanding the development and to the dating of the other. Les deux themes reunis dans ce volume - le droit canon et la liturgie de l'Eglise Latine du haut moyan-Acge - ont, comme le revele ce groupe d'articles, des liens tres etroits. Ceci reposant sur le fait que les collections et manuscrits, auxquels le professeur Reynolds s'interesse, apportent la substance se trouvant A la source de ces deux terrains d'etudes. Dans le livre, une importance particuliere est donnee au Collectio canonum hibernensis irlandais et A ses multiples derivations, ainsi qu'aux travaux issus de Salzburg A l'epoque carolingienne A ceux provenant d'Italie meridionale au 11e s. et aux collections liturgiques. L'ensemble illustre la nesessite pour les specialistes en liturgie d'Atre conscients de l'abondance de sources legales medievales et pour les historiens du droit de tenir compte de la richesse en matiere liturgique et que forme l'un des ingredients principaux du droit de l'Eglise; il demontre aussi combien un domaine peut contribuer e la comprehension du developpement et A l'assignation de date


  • Contents: Virgines Subintroductae in Celtic Christianity
  • Basil and the early medieval Latin canonical collections
  • An 8th-century uncial leaf from a Mondsee Liber comitis (Harvard Houghton Library MS. Typ 694)
  • Unity and diversity of Carolingian canon law collections: the case of the Collectio hibernensis and its derivatives
  • Excerpta from the Collectio hibernensis in three Vatican manuscripts
  • Canon law collections in early 9th-century Salzburg
  • An unexpected manuscript fragment of the 9th-century canonical collection in two books
  • The Pseudo-Augustinian Sermo de conscientia and related Dicta sancti gregorili papae
  • Pseudonymous liturgica in early medieval canon law collections
  • Rites of separation and reconciliation in the early Middle Ages
  • Odilo and the Treuga Dei in Southern Italy: a Beneventan manuscript fragment
  • A south Italian liturgico-canonical mass commentary
  • The Greek Liturgy of St John Chrysostom in Beneventan script: an early manuscript fragment
  • The south-Italian Canon law Collection in Five Books and its derivatives: new evidence on its origins, diffusion and use
  • south Italian liturgica and canonistica in Catalonia (New York, Hispanic Society of America MS. HC 380/819)
  • The south-Italian Collection in Five Books and its Derivatives: the collection of Vallicelliana Tome XXI
  • The Turin Collection in Seven Books: a Poitevin canonical collection
  • Liturgical Scholarship at the time of the Investiture controversy: past research and future opportunities
  • Addenda and corrigenda
  • Index of manuscripts.

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