Information processing underlying gaze control


Information processing underlying gaze control

edited by J.M. Delgado-García, E. Godaux and P.-P. Vidal

(Pergamon studies in neuroscience, no. 12)

Pergamon, 1994

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This volume summarizes recent advances in the fast growing field of information processing underlying gaze control. Gaze control is a valuable model for addressing basic questions on the functional properties of the central nervous system using the latest anatomica and electrophysiological techniques and is therefore an important area of research across the disciplines. The book is based on a workshop which drew together leading researchers to exchange information on the computational properties of neuronal circuits underlying gaze control. The relative ease with which the appropriate sensory stimuli and the resulting behavioural responses can be defined and measured has resulted in a great amount of information on the neuronal networks which generate and control eye and head movements. However, although clear definitions for the different steps in this computational processing have emerged, the neuronal and molecular mechanisms at play are far from being elucidated. Furthermore, the relatively recent discovery that neurons have complex intrinsic membrane mechanisms which endow them with non-linear integrative properties has opened a new branch of gaze physiology, but has also further complicated the issue. This volume, therefore, provides a state-of-the-art picture of the situation, giving special emphasis to the relatively new research areas. The seven sections each include a comprehensive overview from amomical, electrophysiological, behavioural and modelling aspects.


Part 1 Morphology and physiology of extraocular motor nuclei: The anatomy of vestibulo-ocular system in lamphreys (M.A Pombel et al.). Differential response of aducens internuclear neutrons to selective target removal and electrolytic lesion in adult cats (R.R. de la cruz et al). Part 2 Anatomo-functional organization of the Saccadic system: On the 3-dimensional rapid eye movement generator in the monkey (K. Hepp et al). Collicular control of saccades by the prepositus feedback loop (O.Hardey, J. Corvisier) A natural computation - spatial to temporal transformation (C. Zamora-Ramos, G.J Goodhill). Part 3 Vestibular and Otolithic Systems: Neuroactive amino acids in vestibular afferents (I. Relchenberger et al). Type I second-order medial vestibular neurons in the head-fixed guinea-pig during alertness and following adaptation (M. Serafin et al). Does unilateral vestibular deafferentation affect Listing's plane? (T. Haslwanter et al.). Part 4 Optokinetic and Smooth Pursuit Systems: Segregation of retinal and visual cortex projections to the pretectum in pigmented rats, an ultrastrtactural and immunocytochemical study (J.J.L. van der Want et al). Similar changes in the latency of pursuit and saccadic eye movements observed with the "gap paradigm" (R.J. Krauzlis, F.A. Miles). Part 5 Other Sensory Systems Involved in the Control of the Oculomotor Function: Are extraocular afferent signals involved in eye-head coupling processes? (L. Borel et al). Auditory-evoked saccades in two dimensions - dynamical characteristics, influence of eye position and sound source spectrum (M.A. Frens, A.J. van Opstal). Part 6 Role of Cerebellum in the Genesis and Control of Eye Movements: Vestibular and cerebellar connoctions subserving eye movements (N.M. Gerrits). First steps in an electrophysiological "input-output" approach of the horizontal operational unit of the flocculus (E. Godaux et al). Vestibulo-ocular control by the cerebellar nodulo-uvular lobules (D.E. Angelaki, B.J.M. Hess). Part 7 Co-ordination of Eye, Head and Body Movements: Biomechanics, movement strategies and the evolution of the head-neck system in mammals (W. Graf et al.). Models of the multisensory control of gaze - the role of the superior colliculus ( P. Lefevre et al).

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