Ego defenses : theory and measurement


Ego defenses : theory and measurement

edited by Hope R. Conte and Robert Plutchik

(Einstein psychiatry publication, no. 10)

Wiley, c1994

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



"A Wiley Interscience publication."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Explores the nature and manifestations of defense mechanisms--repression, displacement, denial, etc. Traces ego defense theory and research from Freud's initial conceptualization through recent work in object-relations theory and other psychoanalytically-oriented approaches. Renowned contributors provide the rationale for their measurement techniques, describe them in detail, offer reliability and validity data along with illustrations of usefulness.


Partial table of contents: THEORY. A Theory of Ego Defenses (R. Plutchik). Good Defenses Make Good Neighbors (L. Benjamin). An Information Feedback Theory of Emotions and Defenses (H. Dahl). A Developmental View of Defenses: Empirical Approaches (A. Safyer & S. Hauser). The Evolved Function of Repression and the Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche (M. Slavin & D. Greif). MEASUREMENT. The Life Style Index: A Self-Report Measure of Ego Defenses (H. Conte & A. Apter). The Defense Mechanisms Inventory: Its Development and Clinical Applications (D. Ihilevich & G. Gleser). The Rorschach: Defense or Adaptation? (B. Ritzler). A Review of the Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (J. Perry & M. Kardos). Epilogue. Indexes.

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