
The papers of James Madison : presidential series

edited by Robert A. Rutland ... [et al.]

University Press of Virginia, 1984-

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Publisher of v. 6, 9-: University of Virginia Press

Includes bibliographical references and index

  • v. 1. 1 March-30 September 1809
  • v. 2. 1 Oct. 1809-2 Nov. 1810 / edited by J.C.A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, Susan Holbrook Perdue
  • v. 3. 3 November 1810-4 November 1811 / edited by J.C.A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, Susan Holbrook Perdue
  • v. 4. 5 November 1811-9 July 1812 with a supplement 5 March 1809-19 October 1811
  • v. 5. 10 July 1812-7 February 1813 / edited by J.C.A Stagg ... [et al.]
  • v. 6. 8 February-24 October 1813 / edited by Angela Kreider ... [et al.]
  • v. 7. 25 October 1813-30 June 1814 / edited by Angela Kreider ... [et al.]
  • v. 8. July 1814-18 February 1815, with a supplement December 1779-18 April 1814 / edited by Angela Kreider ... [et al.]
  • v. 9. 19 February 1815-12 October 1815 / edited by Angela Kreider ... [et al.]
  • v. 10. 13 October 1815-30 April 1816 / edited by Angela Kreider ... [et al.]

v. 1 ISBN 9780813909912


v. 1. 1 March-30 September 1809 -- v. 2. 1 Oct. 1809-2 Nov. 1810 -- v. 3. 3 November 1810-4 November 1811 -- v. 4. 5 November 1811-9 July 1812, with a supplement, 5 March 1809-19 October 1811.

v. 2 ISBN 9780813913452


This second volume of the presidential papers of James Madison covers the period between October 1809 and November 1810. These 13 months were dominated by foreign policy problems as Madison laboured to protect American neutral rights from the aggressions of France and Great Britain. The published papers record the president's difficulties in negotiating with the British diplomat Francis James Jackson as well as his struggle to persuade Congress to persevere with policies of economic coercion against the European belligerents. He was not always successful, but by November 1810 Madison had been able to reimpose nonintercourse against Great Britain, thereby setting the stage for the events that led directly to the War of 1812. Equally important was Madison's response to changes in Spanish America, and the editorial annotation of the documents here casts much new light on his decision to annex parts of Spanish West Florida to the United States in October 1810. The volume also illuminates the range of Madison's executive activities on the domestic front - from dealing with congress to supervising the construction of the public buildings in Washington, DC and conducting diplomacy with increasingly restless Indians on the frontier. Of interest, too, is the material on Madison's relationships with his cabinet colleagues, particularly his controversial Secretary of State, Robert Smith. These papers show a president constantly involved in the daily business of government, and they will enable scholars to develop fresh perspectives on the growth of the executive branch.

v. 3 ISBN 9780813916323


The twelve-month period covered in this 3rd volume of the ""Presidential Series"" was dominated by foreign policy concerns, as James Madison sought ways to compel Great Britain to respect America's neutral rights.

v. 4 ISBN 9780813918594


This volume of James Madison's papers covers events in his first administration, from November 1811 to July 1812. Two important presidential decisions buttress it: his advocacy of preparedness in November 1811 and his request in June 1812 that Congress consider his case for war against Britain.

v. 5 ISBN 9780813922584


The Papers of James MadisonPresidential Series, Volume 5 10 July 1812-7 February 1813 Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Martha J. King, Ellen J. Barber, Anne Mandeville Colony, Angela Kreider, Jewel L. Spangler Volume 5 of the Presidential Series covers the first seven months of the War of 1812, documenting the problems Madison faced as he led the United States into its first major military conflict under the Federal Constitution. The planned American invasions of Canada faltered because of General Henry Dearborn's inept leadership in the East and General William Hull's shocking surrender at Detroit. Quarrels about the role of the state militias and recruitment and supply difficulties contributed to these and subsequent setbacks. General William Henry Harrison's inability to achieve a major victory in the Northwest, the failure of two poorly planned offensives on the Niagara peninsula, and the U.S. defeat at the river Raisin in January 1813 round out the dismal picture of U.S. military affairs presented by documents in this volume. Meanwhile, Madison faced pressure not only from Federalists, whose numerous angry letters occasionally included threats of secession, but also from Republicans dissatisfied with his leadership. Many of the latter supported De Witt Clinton in his unsuccessful bid to unseat Madison in the election of 1812. Others urged the president to take steps to "intimidate" his political opponents; Madison, however, declined to use federal power to enforce loyalty. Two of his cabinet colleagues added to the president's problems: Secretary of War William Eustis was so "profoundly oppressed" by U.S. defeats that Paul Hamilton, secretary of the navy, suspected "a danger of his mind being affected"; Hamilton, an alcoholic, had tolerated sloppy bookkeeping and alleged corruption in the Navy Department. By the end of 1812 both had resigned. On the diplomatic front, the volume documents U.S. charge d'affaires Jonathan Russell's unsuccessful peace talks with Great Britain and the midwinter odyssey of minister to France Joel Barlow, who, returning from negotiations with Napoleon at Vilna, died of pneumonia in a Polish village. Also covered is Madison's continuing effort to craft a policy serving American interests in the Spanish borderlands. Access to people, places, and events discussed is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index.

v. 6 ISBN 9780813927565


Volume 6 of the ""Presidential Series"" covers the eight-month period between 8 February and 24 October 1813, during which the United States continued its military struggle against Great Britain. The volume opens with newly appointed Secretary of War John Armstrong's memorandum on the spring campaign against Canada, recommending attacks on Kingston and York (Toronto). United States forces took York in late April, but humiliating defeats followed in June, leading Armstrong to replace Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn as commander of the Northern army with Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson. In the fall, Wilkinson opted to bypass Kingston and march directly to Montreal, but illness, bad weather, and personnel problems dogged the campaign, which later ended in failure.The nation faced financial and diplomatic challenges as well. With war expenses mounting, Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin kept the government solvent by negotiating a $16-million loan. A few months later, he sailed for St. Petersburg as a peace commissioner under the mediation offer of Alexander I of Russia, leaving the financial affairs of the nation to Navy Secretary William Jones. Early in August, however, Madison wrote Gallatin that the Senate had 'mutilated the Mission to St Petersburg' by rejecting Gallatin's nomination as commissioner. The president spent the remainder of the period covered in this volume at Montpelier, regaining his health after a life-threatening bout of fever.The volume also documents the United States' evolving relationship with Spain's American colonies, quarrels among U.S. consuls in France, rivalries within the Cabinet, and Oliver H. Perry's victory on Lake Erie. Access to people, places, and events discussed is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index.

v. 7 ISBN 9780813932569


The Papers of James Madison project, housed at the University of Virginia, was established in 1956 to publish annotated volumes of the correspondence and writings of James Madison, the Virginia statesman most often remembered for his public service as ""Father of the Constitution"" and as fourth president of the United States. The published volumes provide accurate texts of Madison's incoming and outgoing correspondence, informative notes on textual and subject matters, and comprehensive indexes. They are incomparably rich sources for students of Madison's life and valuable research tools for those interested in the general history of the period in which Madison lived (1751-1836). The project has collected more than 27,000 copies of documents related to Madison's life, including letters, essays, notes, diaries, account books, ledgers, wills, legal papers, and inventories. The project serves the public by translating into print these decaying and often nearly illegible manuscripts, thereby preserving them for future generations and making them easier to use. The published volumes also make the contents of Madison related documents, the originals of which are housed in some 250 archives worldwide, easily accessible to libraries and interested individuals anywhere books travel. The Presidential Series,covering the years 1809 to early 1817, centres largely on Madison's record as commander-in-chief during the War of 1812, the first full-scale conflict to be waged under the U.S. Constitution of 1787. Madison's correspondence as president deals with a particularly wide range of concerns - national politics, international diplomacy and war, Indian affairs, the construction of the nation's capital, even petitions from ordinary citizens for charity and mercy - to which Madison responded.

v. 8 ISBN 9780813936949


Volume 8 of the Presidential Series covers the suspense-filled final months of the War of 1812, as Madison awaited the outcome of peace negotiations at Ghent while defending the country against British invasion, warding off government bankruptcy, and preparing to meet armed resistance in New England. The British burned the Capitol, the President's House, and other buildings in Washington and occupied eastern Maine in the following months, but American forces thwarted attacks on Baltimore, Plattsburgh, and New Orleans. Along with Alexander J. Dallas, Madison's new secretary of the Treasury, Madison crafted a defense of the American position designed to promote U.S. alliances and fundraising in Europe and to rally support at home. The volume closes with Madison receiving a copy of the Treaty of Ghent on 14 February 1815 and delivering the peace proclamation to an astounded and joyous nation. Access to people, places, and events of the period is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index.

v. 9 ISBN 9780813941097


This volume documents the ongoing influence of European events on U.S. affairs in the seven months following the War of 1812. Plans to reduce the army and send a naval force against Algiers were suspended in April when Madison learned of Napoleon's return to power. After weighing the risk of renewed conflict with Great Britain, the president allowed plans to proceed. Results were good, but final vindication of his decision did not arrive until August and September, with news of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo and the receipt of a commercial convention indicating British goodwill. In the meantime, Madison directed efforts to implement the Treaty of Ghent, learned that Americans had been killed at Dartmoor Prison in England, mediated a major dispute in the Navy Department, responded to Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson's enforcement of martial law in New Orleans, thwarted Joseph Bonaparte's attempt to visit Montpelier, modified the administration's position regarding the still-unrecognized Spanish minister Luis de Onis, oversaw plans to repair the burned Capitol, and received reports on Treasury Secretary Alexander J. Dallas's efforts to solve the government's financial problems. Access to people, places, and events of the period is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index.

v. 10 ISBN 9780813942742


The tenth volume of the Presidential Series covers the period from Madison's return to Washington from Montpelier in October 1815 to the publication of the incendiary letters of the pseudonymous "Americanus" throughout April 1816. In the months between, Madison fielded requests for support from rebel governments in Spanish America, urged his diplomats to stand firm on U.S. claims in the settlement of post- war boundary disputes with Great Britain, and contemplated retaliation for British restrictions on American trade with its West Indian colonies. Increasingly, however, his attention was focused on domestic issues. These included putting in place a viable financial system with a central bank at its core, which Madison had come to believe was a necessity; increasing the nation's revenue stream through reductions in military expenditures; exports of American goods; and the imposition of tariffs on foreign imports that threatened domestic manufactures. He was, furthermore, required to remove squatters from the public lands and to referee disputes between white settlers and Indian nations over their post-1815 boundaries. He supervised the Commissioners for the Public Buildings as they rebuilt the capital and issued pardons to those who had committed petty crimes or who had violated U.S. revenue laws.

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