Hydrocarbon and petroleum geology of France

    • Mascle, A.

Hydrocarbon and petroleum geology of France

Alain Mascle (ed.)

(Special publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists, 4)

Springer-Verlag, c1994


Includes bibliographical references and index



The subject of the book will be recent advances in the Petroleum Geology of France, including papers on the present exploration and production activity, field descriptions, regional synthesis and thematic papers an sequence stratigraphy and tectonic. A special attention will be given to the illustration (maps, seismic sections, raw data ...). This will be the first attempt to publish one single volume devoted to the petroleum geology of France.


to Hydrocarbon Exploration and Underground Gas Storage in France.- Exploration for and Production of Oil and Gas in France: A Review of the Habitat, Present Activity, and Expected Developments.- A History of Petroleum Exploration in France.- Regulations of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in France.- Underground Gas Storage Facilities in France.- Modeling Present and Past Thermal Regimes in the Paris Basin: Petroleum Implications.- Paris Basin and Sea of Iroise.- Sequence Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Series of the Paris-London Basin.- Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Matter Distribution of the Lias of the Paris Basin.- Relationship Between Organic Matter and Sedimentation in the Lias of Lorraine (France).- An Integrated Approach to Reservoir Characterization for a Gas Storage in the Paris Basin.- Management of Chaunoy Oil Field Multilayered Reservoir.- Seismic Applications of a Paris Basin Shallow Geology Data Base.- Liassic Source Rocks from Three Wells from the Sea of Iroise (French Western Approaches) and Dorset (UK) Outcrops:Nature and Modeled Maturity History.- Aquitaine Basin, Bay of Biscay, Pyrenees.- Deep Seismic Investigation in the Parentis Basin (Southwestern France).- Subsidence in the Parentis Basin (Aquitaine, France): Implications of the Thermal Evolution.- The Arzacq-Western Pyrenees ECORS Deep Seismic Profile.- A Reinterpretation of the Stress Regime of the Aquitaine Basin, Southwestern France, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery.- South-East Basin, Gulf of Lions, Western Alps.- Structure of the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea): A Review.- Multiphase Extensional Structures, Fault Reactivation, and Petroleum Plays in the Alpine Foreland Basin of Southeastern France.- Thrust Propagation and Syntectonic Sedimentation in the Savoy Tertiary Molasse Basin (Alpine Foreland).- The Southern French Alps Paleogene Basin: Subsidence Modeling and Geodynamic Implications.- The Mid-Cretaceous Organic-Rich Sediments from the Vocontian Zone of the French Southeast Basin.- Reservoir Aspects in Relationship with Sequence Boundaries in Carbonate Platforms.- Eastern and Northern France.- Transfer Zone in the Southern Jura Thrust Belt (Eastern France): Geometry, Development, and Comparison with Analogue Modeling Experiments.- Triassic Transgressive-Regressive Cycles in the Bresse-Jura and Adjacent Basins, Eastern France.- Petroleum Exploration in the French Rhine Graben.- Mechanism of Fluid Paleocirculations in Fractured Rocks Determined by Vein Alteration Studies.- Deformation of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Carboniferous Coalfield (France) in the Variscan Frontal Tectonic Pattern.- Polyphase Coalification in French Intermontane Coal Basins of the Late Carboniferous.- French Overseas Departments and Territories.- The French Guyana Margin and the Demerara Plateau: Geological History and Petroleum Plays.- Structure and Tectonic History of the Kerguelen Plateau.- The Sedimentary Basins of the New Caledonia Region.- Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Plays Around the French Antilles.

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