Exercise and oxygen toxicity
Exercise and oxygen toxicity
Elsevier, 1994
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This multi-author volume, the first of its kind, examines different aspects of exercise associated oxidative stress, its management, and how reactive oxygen may affect the functional capacity of various vital organs and tissues. Special emphasis is given to aging and nutritional aspects of antioxidant supplementation. The volume is a compilation of comprehensive reviews intelligible to a general scientific audience, and will be of great interest to sports medicine professionals (e.g., researchers, trainers, physicians and sportsmen) and students. Readers who are not familiar with the basic aspects of oxygen free radical will find the first chapter on Free Radical Chemistry to be very useful.
Free radical chemistry (K-D. Asmus, M. Bonifacic). Exercise and oxygen radical production by muscle (M.J. Jackson). Metal binding agents: possible role in exercise (R.R. Jenkins, B. Halliwell). Oxidative stress indices in exercise (N. Haramaki, L. Packer). Physiological antioxidants (C.K. Sen, 0. Hanninen). Superoxide dismutases in exercise and disease (H. Ohno, K. Suzuki, J. Fujii, H. Yamashita, T. Kizaki, S. Oh-ishi, N. Taniguchi). Antioxidant supplementation and the control of oxygen toxicity during exercise (A.H. Goldfarb, C.K. Sen). Risk of oxidative stress during exercise at high altitude (I. Simon-Schnass). The role of Xanthine oxidase in exercise (Y. Hellsten). Aging and exercise-induced oxidative stress (R. Golan, A.Z. Reznick). Exercise-induced oxidative stress in the heat (L. L. Ji). Lipid peroxidation process in healthy and diseased models (H.M. Alessio). Cigarette smoking as an inducer of oxidative stress (G.G. Duthie, J.R. Arthur). Oxidative stress in muscular atrophy (H. Kondo, Y. Itokawa). Oxidative stress in the lung and effect on pulmonary function (P. Moldeus, G. Bannenberg, A. Ryrfeldt). Protection against free radical injury in the heart and cardiac performance (D.K. Das, N. Maulik). Hypoxia, oxidative stress and exercise in rheumatoid arthritis (S.E. Edmonds, D.R. Blake). Vascular smooth muscle cells: regulation and deregulation by reactive oxygen species (A. Azzi, D. Boscoboinik, N.K. Ozer). Acute phase immune responses in exercise (J.G. Cannon, J.B. Blumberg). Influence of exercise induced oxidative stress on the central nervous system (S.M. Somani). Non-invasive measures of muscle metabolism (T. Hamaoka, K.K. McCully, H. Iwane, B. Chance).
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