Transfer of undertakings : the legal pitfalls


Transfer of undertakings : the legal pitfalls

a specially commissioned report by Patrick Elias and John Bowers

(Longman intelligence reports)

Longman, c1994

5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3




The legal implications of transferring a business to a new owner are complex in the extreme. The need to relate them to the European Community directive exacerbates the problem. This book provides clear-cut authoritative information. This report deals with the job security and benefits of the employees and the rights and obligations of the old and new employees. It is completely up-to-date with case law and legislative changes in the area and is packed with useful advice to help practitioners avoid pitfalls.


  • The Rights and Obligations Transferred
  • Hiving Down
  • The Position of the Employee
  • Dismissals and Redundancy
  • The Position of the Union. Appendices: Sample Indemnity Clauses
  • The Regulations
  • The Transfer Directive.

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