
Children's Bureau studies

introduction by William M. Schmidt

(Children and youth : social problems and social policy)

Arno Press, 1974

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Reprint of Infant mortality, by E. Duke, first published in 1915; of Maternal mortality from all conditions connected with childbirth in the United States and certain other countries, by G. L. Meigs, first published in 1917; of The nutrition and care of children in a mountain county of Kentucky, by L. Roberts, first published in 1922; of Maternal deaths; a brief report of a study made in 15 states, issued by the United States Children's Bureau, first published in 1933; and of Habit clinics for child guidance, by D. A. Thom, first published in 1939

Includes bibliographical references

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