Colour vision : a study in cognitive science and the philosophy of perception


Colour vision : a study in cognitive science and the philosophy of perception

Evan Thompson

(Philosophical issues in science)

Routledge, c1995

  • : pbk


Color vision

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references and index



Colour fascinates all of us, and scientists and philosophers have sought to understand the true nature of colour vision for many years. In recent times, investigations into colour vision have been one of the main success stories of cognitive science, for each discipline within the field - neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence, and philosophy - has contributed significantly to our understanding of colour. Evan Thompson's book is a major contribution to this interdisciplinary project. Colour Vision provides an accessible review of the current scientific and philosophical discussions of colour vision. Thompson steers a course between the subjective and objective positions on colour, arguing for a relational account. This account develops a novel `ecological' approach to colour vision in cognitive science and the philosophy of perception. It is vital reading for all cognitive scientists and philosophers whose interests touch upon this central area.


Preface Acknowledgements 1. the Recieved View 2. Colour Vision: Recent Theories and Results 3. Naturalistic Ontologies 4. The Comparative Argument 5. The Ecological View 6. Visual Experience and the Ecological View Bibliography

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