Growth curves
Growth curves
(Statistics : textbooks and monographs, v. 145)
M. Dekker, c1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全28件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Bibliography: p. 329-354
Includes index
This work describes several statistical techniques for studying repeated measures data, presenting growth curve methods applicable to biomedical, social, animal, agricultural and business research. It details the multivariate development of growth science and repeated measures experiments, covering time-moving covariates, exchangable errors, bioassay results, missing data procedures and nonparametric and Bayesian methods.
- The growth curve model
- a multidimensional growth curve model
- the sum of profiles and time moving covariates models
- a growth curve model with exchangeably distributed errors
- structured-covariance matrices, model selection, prediction from growth curves and other topics
- growth curves with incomplete or unbalanced data
- Potthoff-Roy growth curve model - derivations of main results
- Bayesian techniques
- nonparametric techniques in growth curves. Appendices: case study 1 - effects of prostaglandin and leukotriene on the eyes of dogs
- case study 2 - plasma silicon concentrations from dietary treatment of sodium zeolite A (SZA) in quarter horses
- case study 3 - endotracheal suctioning in intensive care. (Part Contents).
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