
Naming organic compounds : a systematic instruction manual

E.W. Godly

(Ellis Horwood series in organic chemistry)

E. Horwood for LGC and Commission of the European Communities, 1995

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references



A systematic manual providing a user-friendly guide for access into the complex procedure of making new compounds. A key feature is the pull-out flow chart which leads users to an appropriate numbered section where detailed instructions are provided. Preferred IUPAC nomenclature is used, and no background study is required of current legislation. Following on the success of the first edition, the author has now added new sections including azo-, diazo-, and diazonium compounds, and other chains of N-atoms. Sections on amines, ketones and oximes have been expanded and spiro-compounds treated in greater detail. Extensive re-wording of the text, and insertion of some new examples serve to bring the book up to date.

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