
Ultrasound and the uterus

edited by R. Osmers and A. Kurjak

(Progress in obstetric and gynecological sonography series)

Parthenon Pub. Group, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



A major clinical reference on the reliability and significance of the latest studies on sonographic depictions and evaluations of the normal uterus, the uterus in pregnancy, the postmenopausal endometrium, and the various disorders and diseases of the uterus. The contributors are leading specialists whose findings and recommendations represent the state of the art for innovative ideas and effective solutions for obstetric and gynecological sonography today.


Normal sonographic features of the uterus. Sonographic evaluation of the cervix uteri. Sonographic evaluation of the cervix uteri in pregnancy. Sonographic depiction of the uterus. Pathological findings of the postmenopausal endometrium. Fluid instillation into the uterine cavity. Sonographic appearance of the myometrium. Uterine leiomyoma: transvaginal color Doppler studies and new aspects of management. Development and structure of the uterus. Uterine perfusion. Drug influence on uterine perfusion. Benign uterine conditions: what does color add? Malignant uterine tumors. Congestion syndrome of the uterus. Index.

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