Reactor dosimetry : dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials : proceedings of the Fifth ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, F.R.G. September 24-28, 1984


    • ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (5th : 1984 : GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht)
    • Genthon, Jean Pierre
    • Röttger, Heinz
    • American Society for Testing and Materials
    • Euratom
    • GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht


Reactor dosimetry : dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials : proceedings of the Fifth ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, F.R.G. September 24-28, 1984

edited by J.P. Genthon and H. Röttger

D. Reidel Pub. Co. , Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston, c1985

  • set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



English and French

Includes bibliographies and index



Ouverts a I'ensemble de la communaute internationale, les symposia ASTM-EURATOM sur la dosimetrie des rayonnements de reilcteur traitent de tous les sujets de dosimetrie dans tous les systemes a neutron: dosimetrie des experiences en reacteur, codes d'ajustement, precision, etalons et intercomparaison, donnees nucleaires, techniques de mesure, correlation de dommages radio-induits, echauffement nucleaire, etc ...appliques principalement aujourd'hui aux problemes des reacteurs a eau legere, des reacteurs a neutrons rapides et aux systemes a fusion. Les travaux en dosimetrie, tout comme I'ensemble du domaine de I'energie atomique, sont moins caracterises aujourd'hui par des idees scientifiques franchement nouvelles que par la necessite d'echange, de cooperation, de collaboration, appliques a la satisfaction de besoins de type industriel ou quasi-industriel. L'organisation de nos symposia a suivi cette evolution.Nombre de ceux qui y ont participe ont un souvenir emu du ler symposium a Petten en 1975, qui fut une reussite complete.L'organisation et Ie devouement du CCR de Petten y avait beaucoup contribue. Et puis, aussi, c'etait un commencement, c'etait Ie premier de nos symposia ...Les symposia suivants, alternativement aux USA et en EUROPE, a rythme sensiblement bi-annuel, ont du faire face progressivement a un besoin plus grand d'echange et de discussion par petits groupes, ainsi qu'a afflux croissant de propositions de communications de valeur. L'organisation a du s'adapter en consequence. Ce 5eme sy~posium ASTM- EURATOM represente, de part sa belle reussite, une etape importante de cette evolution et un garant de la maturation correspondante.


List of Contents.- I: LWR-PV Surveillance.- Amelioration de la Surveillance de la Cuve D'un Reacteur a eau Pressurisee de la S.E.N.A..- Pressure Vessel Dosimetry at U.S. PWR Plants.- Improvement of LWR Pressure Vessel Steel Embrittlement Surveillance: 1982-1983 Progress Report on Belgian Activities in Cooperation with the USNRC and Other R&D Programs.- Utility Perspectives Related to Pressure Vessel and Support Structure Surveillance.- Uncertainty Considerations in Development and Application of Charpy Trend Curve Formulas.- Babcock & Wilcox Reactor Vessel Surveillance Service Activities.- Notch Ductility and Tensile Strength Determinations for Reference Steels in PSF Simulated Surveillance and Through-Wall Irradiation Capsules.- Transport Calculation of Neutron Flux and Spectrum in Surveillance Capsules and Pressure Vessel of a PWR.- Calculated Spectral Fluences and Dosimeter Activities for the Metallurgical Blind Test Irradiations at the ORR-PSF.- Battelle's Columbus Laboratories Reactor Vessel Surveillance Service Activities.- Trend Curve Exposure Parameter Data Development and Testing.- Effect of Thermal Power Averaging Method on the Determination of Neutron Fluence for LWR-PV Surveillance.- Dosimetry Measurements and Calculation of Fast Neutron Flux in the Reactor Cavity of a 3-Loop Pressurized Water Reactor.- Standardized Physics-Dosimetry for US Pressure Vessel Cavity Surveillance Programs.- Re-Evaluation of the Physics-Dosimetry from PWR and BWR Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Programs.- ORNL Evaluation of the ORR-PSF Metallurgical Experiment and "Blind Test".- Status of Regulatory Issues and Research in Light Water Reactor Surveillance Dosimetry in the U.S..- II: Fast Reactors.- Super Phenix. Surveillance des Structures Soumises a Irradiation Programme de Mesures et Calculs Neutroniques.- Fluence, Dosimetry, and Steel-DPA Rates in EBR-II.- Tritium Production From the 10B(n,t)2? Reaction in FFTF.- Recent Japanese Activities in the Fast Breeder Reactor Program and Reactor Dosimetry Works.- III: Fusion and Spallation.- Nickel Sample Irradiation in the BR2 Reactor at MOL in the Framework of the Optimization Study of the Time-Dependent Helium Production/Damage Ratio for In-Pile Fusion Materials Testing.- Reference Spectrum of d(13)-Be at the INPE Cyclotron.- Recent Developments in Neutron Dosimetry and Damage Calculations for Fusion Materials Irradiations.- Materials Irradiation Testing in Support of the European Fusion Programme.- Investigation of the Neutron Energy Transfer by Nuclear Cascade Reactions for Improving Neutron Damage Data Up to 40 MeV.- Removal Cross-Section Technique for Kerma Estimation of 14 MeV Neutrons Passed Through Shielding Layers.- The Importance of Anisotropic Scattering in High Energy Neutron Transport Problems.- Fusion Materials Research and Neutron Activation.- Delayed Neutron Counting System for Jet Plasma Neutron Yields Diagnostics.- IV: Techniques.- Use of Niobium for Accurate Relative Fast Neutron Fluence Measurements at the Pressure Vessel in a VVER-440 NPP.- Niobium Neutron Fluence Dosimeter Measurements.- Calculation of the Thermal Neutron Flux Perturbation Factor for Foil Detectors in Various Media Using the Code Perturb.D.- Nondestructive Determination of Reactor Pressure Vessel Neutron Exposure by Continuous Gamma-Ray Spectrometry.- Advances in Continuous Gamma-Ray Spectrometry and Applications.- The Use of Beryllium Oxide Thermoluminescence Dosemeters for Measuring Gamma Exposure Rates.- Fast Neutron Dosimetry by Means of the Scraping Sampling Method.- Mesure des Debits de Dose Dtrradiation Ionisante en Atmosphere Surchauffee.- Special Considerations for LWR Neutron Dosimetry Experiments.- Characterization of the Imperial College Reference Gamma Ray Field.- Improved Microcalorimetry for Radiation Absorbed Dose Measurements.- Application of the Multi-Component Wire Activation Detector System for In-Core Neutron Spectrometry at a NPS.- Data Acquisition and Control System for the K1C -HSST Experiments at the ORR.- Use of Stainless Steel Flux Monitors in Pressure Vessel Surveillance.- Simultaneous Application of Activation and Damage Detectors.- The S32(n,p)P32 Threshold Detector and its Application for Fast Neutron Dosimetry (Fast Reactors and Fusion Reactors).- Puissance deposee dans un dispositif complexe par les gammas de reacteur d'essais. Experiences et calculs realises a siloe.- Solid-State Track Recorder Neutron Dosimetry in Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Mockups.- A European Community Source of Reference Materials for Neutron Metrology Requirements.- Niobium-Aluminium Foils as Monitors for Routine Measurement of Fast Neutrons.- Recent Developments in Very High-Count-Rate Gamma Spectroscopy.- International Comparison of Interpolation Procedures for the Efficiency of Germanium Gamma-Ray Spectrometers (Interim Report on the GAM-83 Exercise).- V: Damage Models, Physics, Dosimetry and Materials.- Embrittlement Profile in the Fracture Plane of Irradiated CT100 Specimens.- The Effect of Damage Rates and Different Kinds of Irradiation on the Ductility of Amorphous Fe40 Ni40 B2O.- Defect Microstructure and Irradiation Strengthening in Fe/Cu Alloys and Cu Bearing Pressure Vessel Steels.- The Use of Silicon Transistors as Damage Monitors in Reactor Neutron Metrology.- VI: Neutron and Gamma Spectrum Determination.- Calculation of the 252Cf Neutron Slowing Down Spectrum and Reaction Rate Ratios in Moderating Media.- Experimental Validation of Neutron Spectra Calculated Via Transport Codes.- Neutron and Gamma Ray Flux Calculations for the Venus PWR Engineering Mockup.- Characterization of Fuel Distribution in the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) Reactor System By Neutron and Gamma-Ray Dosimetry.- A Study of the Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Steel Supports.- Evaluation of Neutron Exposure Conditions for the Buffalo Reactor.- Recent Progress and Developments in LWR-PV Calculational Methodolgy.- A New Adjustment Code Based on the Bayes' Theory Combined with the Monte-Carlo Technique.- Evaluation of Uncertainties of 235U Fission Spectrum.- Evaluation of Gamma-Heating Rates in the JMTR Core (Benchmark Calculation).- LSL-M1 and LSL-M2: Two Extensions of the LSL Adjustment Procedure for Including Multiple Spectrum Locations.- Systematic Study on Spectral Effects in the Adjustment Calculations Using the NEUPAC-83 Code.- Neutron Energy Spectrum Calculations in Three PWR.- On the Conversion of Coarse Group Spectra to Fine Group Spectra (Using a Continuity Principle).- Calculation of the Neutron Source Distribution in the Venus PWR Mockup Experiment.- New Aspects in Least Squares Adjustment Methods.- Plans for a Real-84 Exercise.- VII: Benchmarks, Reference and Standard Spectra.- A Comparative Analysis of the Oak Ridge PCA and NESDIP PCA 'Replica' Experiments Using the London Adjustment Technique.- The Nessus Reference Field in the Nestor Reactor at Winfrith.- Comparisons of Theoretical and Experimental Neutron Spectra, 115In(n,n') and Fission Rates, in the Centre of Three Spherical Natural Uranium and Iron Shell Configurations, Located at BR1.- Venus PWR Engineering Mock-Up: Core Qualification, Neutron and Gamma Field Characterization.- Evaluation of Neutron Flux in the Pool Critical Assembly.- The U.S. U-235 Fission Spectrum Standard Neutron Field Revisited.- Recent Experiments on Cf-252 Spectrum-Averaged Neutron Cross Sections.- Spectrum-Averaged Neutron Cross Sections Measured in the U-235 Fission-Neutron Field in MOL.- Unfolded Ano-1 Fluxes Using the Lepricon Methodology.- VIII: Nuclear Data.- Consistency Check of Iron and Sodium Cross- Sections with Integral Benchmark Experiments Using a Large Amount of Experimental Information.- Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport in Nickel.- Consistency of Cross-Section Data in Integral Experiments.- Cross Section Measurements in the 235U Fission Spectrum Neutron Field.- Spectrum-Integrated Helium Generation Cross Sections for 6Li and 10B in the Intermediate-Energy Standard Neutron Field.- IX: General Interest.- Boucle 4 Crayons Combustibles eau Legere Irradiee en Peripherie du Reacteur Osiris. Techniques de Dosimetrie Mises en Oeuvre.- Qualification Dans Melusine de Devolution Neutronique de Combustibles de la Filiere a eau Legere.- Comparison of Measured and Calculated Reaction Rates From D2o-Moderated 252cf Neutrons.- Dosimetry Work and Calculations in Connection with the Irradiation of Large Devices in the High Flux Materials Testing Reactor BR2: Fuel Burn-Up Aspects in Correlation with the Other Dosimetry Data.- Use of Threshold Activation Detectors to Obtain Neutron Kerma for Biological Irradiations.- Status of Recovery - Three Mile Island Unit 2: Reactor Head Removal.- On the Utilization of ?? - ITN Benchmark Field.- Neutron and Gamma Ray Dose Studies in CAGR Instrumentation and Fuel Components.- Developments in Health Physics Dosimetry.- Radiation Field Associated with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.- The Activity of the Czechoslovak Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry in the Period from 1980 to 1983.- Neutronic Modelling of the Harwell Mtr's: Some Recent Problems.- A Comprehensive Approach to the Problems of Uncertainty Analysis in the Assessment of Irradiated Materials Performance.- X: Chairmen's Reports on Workshops and Highlights of the Symposium.- Workshop: LWR-PV Physics, Dosimetry, Damage Correlation and Materials Problem.- Atelier: Physique, Dosimetrie et Problemes des Materiaux en Reacteurs Rapides.- Workshop: Low Threshold Reactions.- Workshop: Dosimetry for High-Energy Neutrons.- Workshop: Modelling of Small Reactor Cores.- Workshop: Interlaboratory Intercomparison.- Workshop: Adjustment Problems.- Annex 1: Report on the Meeting of the ASTM E.10.05.01 Task Group on "Uncertainty Analysis and Calculational Procedures".- Annex 2: Report on the IAEA Consultants' Meeting on the REAL-84 exercise.- Workshop: Gamma Dosimetry and Calorimetry.- Workshop: Damage Monitors.- Highlights of the Symposium.- Conference Programme Summary.- List of Chairmen.- List of Participants.- Authors' Index.

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