Proceedings of the Thirty-first International Matador Conference, held in Manchester, 20th-21st April 1995
Bibliographic Information
Proceedings of the Thirty-first International Matador Conference, held in Manchester, 20th-21st April 1995
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in association with Macmillan Press, 1995
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Description and Table of Contents
These are the proceedings of the 31st International MATADOR Conference, held in Manchester during April 1995. It contains 98 refereed papers contributed by authors from 19 countries in six continents.
Table of Contents
- Manufacturing systems
- manufacturing management
- benchmarking and manufacturing strategy
- modelling and simulation
- knowledge-based systems
- manufacturing education and training
- machinability
- tool condition monitoring
- manufacturing metrology
- metal forming
- design
- concurrent engineering
- computer-aided process planning
- robotics and associated neural networks.
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