Biochemistry of arachidonic acid metabolism


Biochemistry of arachidonic acid metabolism

edited by William E.M. Lands

(Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and cancer, PLAC 1)

Nijhoff, c1985

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographies and index



Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Cancer is a multi-volume series that will focus on an emerging area of cancer research. In 1968, R.H. Williams first reported that elevated prostaglandin levels are present in human medullary car- cinoma. Since that time, the concept that arachidonic acid metabolites may be in- volved in cancer has expanded to include every aspect of the disease from cell transformation through metastasis. Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are generic terms used to describe a family of bioactive lipids produced from unsaturated fatty acids (principally from arachidonic acid) via the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways, respec- tively. Cyclooxygenase products consist of diverse products such as prosta- glandin E, (POE,), prostacyclin (POI2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), whereas lipoxygenase products consist of hydroperoxy fatty acids and mono-, di- and tri-hydroxy acids including leukotrienes. The precursor fatty acids for the cyclooxygenase and lip oxygenase pathways are present in cellular phospholipids. This finding established an important control point in their biosynthesis-the release of substrate. This occurs in response to numerous stimuli that act at the cell surface. Dr. Bengt Samuelsson's extensive study of the metabolism of pros- taglandins indicated that they are rapidly inactivated on a single pass through pulmonary circulation. Thus, they cannot act as circulating hormones and appear to be made on demand in or in the vicinity of target tissues leading to the concept that prostaglandins are local hormones or autocoids.


1. Mechanisms of Cyclooxygenase and Peroxidase Catalysis.- 2. Lipoxygenase Mechanisms.- 3. Enzymes Synthesizing and Metabolizing Prostanoids.- 4. Enzymatic Formation of Leukotrienes.- 5. Cellular and Subcellular Compartmentation of Prostaglandin and Thromboxane Synthesis.- 6. Role of Active Oxygen in the Formation of Lipid Hydroperoxides.- 7. Peroxidatic Activation of Procarcinogens: A Role for Prostaglandin H Synthase in Initiation of Chemical Carcinogenesis.- 8. Selenium-Dependent Glutathione Peroxidase and Eicosanoid Production.- 9. Radiation Effects on Eicosanoid Formation.- 10. Phospholipases.- 11. Glucocorticoid-Induced Anti-Phospholipase Proteins.- 12. Lipid Nutrition, Prostaglandins and Cancer.- 13. Biological Effects of Hydroxy Fatty Acids.- 14. Chemotaxis.- 15. Prostanoid Receptors.- 16. Leukotrienes: Biological Properties, Evidence for Specific Receptor Sites and Evidence for the Involvement of Leukotrienes in Pathological Situations.- 17. Cyclic Nucleotides.- 18. Cell-Cell Signalling.- 19. Proteolytic Enzymes and Arachidonic Acid Metabolites.- 20. Extracellular Nucleotide Hydrolysis and Integration of Signalling.- 21. Eicosanoids and Tumor Promotion.- 22. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Eicosanoids.- 23. Radioimmunoassay of Eicosanoids Associated with Tumor Growth.- 24. Mass Spectrometry and Eicosanoid Analysis.

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