Breakup : the coming end of Canada and the stakes for America


Breakup : the coming end of Canada and the stakes for America

Lansing Lamont

Norton, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references (p. [251]-258) and index



A tragedy is unfolding north of the United States border. Canada, America's largest trading partner, strategic shield and the country rated first by the United Nations in terms of economic prosperity, education and life expectancy, is coming apart at the seams. This narrative describes the "anger beneath the smiling land" that is driving Canadians apart. It believes that it is only a matter of time before the French-speaking Quebecois declare independence, having obtained the economic confidence as well as cultural conviction to achieve separation. The text also examines Canada's other great divides: its regionalism; the land claims of its native peoples; and the economic problems threatening Canada's universal welfare system.

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