
Plasma diagnostics

W. Lochte-Holtgreven

(American Vacuum Society classics)

AIP Press, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Originally published: Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1968

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This monograph provides an account of the major theoretical and practical aspects of the diagnostics of high temperature plasmas with special emphasis on quantitative spectroscopic methods. The first two chapters contain a survey of the experimental methods of plasma analysis, together with the necessary theoretical background. In addition to chapters on spectroscopic, microwave and laser techniques, discussions of the electric and magnetic probe methods of mass spectroscopy have also been included. The evaluation of collision and transport cross sections, heat conducivity, electrical conductivity, and viscosity are some of the many applications of plasma diagnostics reviewed in the work. It should be suitable for plasma physicists and students of theoretical physics, as well as being suitable for a lecture course in plasma theory.


Contents: Radiation of Hot Gases. Interpretation of Line Broadening and Line Shift. Evaluation of Plasma Parameters. Evaluation of Plasma Parameters in Optically Thick Plasmas. Quantitative Spectroscopy and Spectral Photometry. Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. X-ray Diagnostics of Plasmas. Microwave Diagnostic Techniques. The Laser as a Tool for Plasma Diagnostics. Electrical Probes. Mass Spectrometry of Plasmas. Collision and Transport Cross-sections. Evaluation of Electrical Conductivity, Heat Conductivity and Viscosity of Plasmas.

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