Theories of the information society


Theories of the information society

Frank Webster

(International library of sociology)

Routledge, 1995

  • : hbk
  • : pbk


Bibliographical references: p. 225-247

Includes index


: hbk ISBN 9780415105736


Information has come to be regarded as a symbol of the age in which we live. Talk nowadays is of an `information technology' revolution, even of an `information society'. But just what does this mean? In Theories of the Information Society Frank Webster sets out to make sense of the information explosion. He examines and assesses a variety of `images of the information society', and takes a sceptical look at what thinkers mean when they do refer to an `information society'. He looks closely at different approaches to informational developments, and provides critical commentaries on all the major post-war theories.


Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Information and the Idea of an Information Society 3. The Information Society as Post-Industrilaism 4. Information, the Nation State and Surveillence: Anthony Giddens 5. Information and Advanced Capitalism: Herbert Schiller 6. Introduction Management and Manipulation: Jurgen Habermas and thr Decline of the Public Sphere 7. Information and Restructuring: beyond Fordism 8. Information and Post-Modernism 9. Information and Urban Change: Manuel Castells 10. Conclusion

: pbk ISBN 9780415105743


Information has come to be regarded as a symbol of the age in which we live. Talk nowadays is of an `information technology' revolution, even of an `information society'. But just what does this mean? In Theories of the Information Society Frank Webster sets out to make sense of the information explosion. He examines and assesses a variety of `images of the information society', and takes a sceptical look at what thinkers mean when they do refer to an `information society'. He looks closely at different approaches to informational developments, and provides critical commentaries on all the major post-war theories.


Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Information and the Idea of the Postmodern 3. The Information Society as Post-Industrialism: David Bell 4. Information, the Nation State and Surveillence: Anthony Giddens 5. Information and Advanced Capitalism: Herbert Schiller 6. Information Management and Manipulation: Jurgen Habermas and the Decline of the Public Sphere 7. Information and Restructuring: beyond Fordism? 8. Information and Post-Modernism 9. Information and Urban Change: Manuel Castells 10. Conclusion Bibliography

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