Spirit of Ukraine : 500 years of painting : selections from the State Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev : an exhibition organized by the Winnipeg Art Gallery in honour of the centenary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada Дух Укра◆ï◆ни : 500 л◆i◆ття малярства : зб◆i◆рка вибраних картин ◆i◆з фонд◆i◆в Державного ...


Spirit of Ukraine : 500 years of painting : selections from the State Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev : an exhibition organized by the Winnipeg Art Gallery in honour of the centenary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada = Дух Укра◆ï◆ни : 500 л◆i◆ття малярства : зб◆i◆рка вибраних картин ◆i◆з фонд◆i◆в Державного ...

Winnipeg Art Gallery, c1991


Dukh Ukraïny


Catalogue of an exhibition held at Winnipeg Art Gallery, Edmonton Art Gallery, and Art Gallery of Hamilton

English and Ukrainian

Includes bibliographical references
