Mitochondrial biogenesis and genetics

Bibliographic Information

Mitochondrial biogenesis and genetics

edited by Giuseppe M. Attardi, Anne Chomyn

(Methods in enzymology / editors in chief, Sidney P. Colowick, Nathan O. Kaplan, v. 260, v. 264)

Academic Press, c1995-c1996

  • pt. A
  • pt. B

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Description and Table of Contents

pt. A ISBN 9780121821616


The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerlyawaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 250 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.

Table of Contents

Structural and Functional Analysis of Oxidative Phosphorylation Complexes: U. Schulte and H. Weiss, Generation and Characterization of NADH: Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase Mutants in Neurospora crassa. J.E. Walker, J.M. Skehel, and S.K. Buchanan, Structural Analysis of NADH: Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase from Bovine Heart Mitochondria. K.M. Robinson and B.D. Lemire, Flavinylation of Succinate: Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A. Tzagoloff, Ubiquinol-Cytochrome-c Oxidoreductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. U. Schulte and H. Weiss, Ubiquinol-Cytochrome-c Oxidoreductase of Neurospora crassa. H.-P. Braun and U.K. Schmitz, Cytochrome-c Reductase/Processing Peptidase Complex from Potato Mitochondria. H. Schagger, U. Brandt, S. Gencic, and G. von Jagow, Ubiquinol-Cytochrome-c Reductase from Human and Bovine Mitochondria. R.O. Poyton, B. Goehring, M. Droste, K.A. Sevarino, L.A. Allen, and X.-J. Zhao, Cytochrome-c Oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. R.A. Capaldi, M.F. Marusich, and J.-W. Taanman, Mammalian Cytochrome-c Oxidase: Characterization of Enzyme and Immunological Detection of Subunits in Tissue Extracts and Whole Cells. R.H.P. Law, S. Manon, R.J. Devenish, and P. Nagley, ATP Synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J.E. Walker, I.R. Collinson, M.J. Van Raaij, and M.J. Runswick, Structural Analysis of ATP Synthase from Bovine Heart Mitochondria. H. Schagger, Native Electrophoresis for Isolation of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Protein Complexes. P. Mariottini and A. Chomyn, Immunoprecipitation of Human NADH: Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase and Cytochrome-c Oxidase with Single Subunit-Specific Antibodies. Import of Proteins and RNA into Mitochondria: B.S. Glick and L.A. Pon, Isolation of Highly Purified Mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. B.S. Glick, Pathways and Energetics of Mitochondrial Protein Import in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M. Horst, P. Jeni, and N.G. Kronidou, Isolation of Protein Import Components from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondria. D.M. Cyr, C. Ungermann, and W. Neupert, Analysis of Mitochondrial Protein Import Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Translocation Intermediates. A. Mayer, A. Driessen, W. Neupert, and R. Lill, Purified and Protein-Loaded Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Vesicles for Functional Analysis of Preprotein Transport. A. Alconada, F. Gartner, A. Hinlinger, M. Kabrich, and N. Pfanner, Mitochondrial Receptor Complex from Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. Rospert and R. Hallberg, Interaction of HSP 60 with Proteins Imported into the Mitochondrial Matrix. B.M. Winning, C.J. Sarah, and C.J. Leaver, Protein Import into Plant Mitochondria. K. Mihara and T. Omura, Protein Import into Mammalian Mitochondria. L. Marechal-Drouard, I. Small, J.-H. Weil, and A. Dietrich, Transfer RNA Import into Plant Mitochondria. Ion and Metabolite Transport Systems in Mitochondria: K.D. Garlid, X. Sun, P. Paucek, and G. Woldegiorgis, Mitochondrial Cation Transport Systems. F. Palmieri, C. Indiveri, F. Bisaccia, and V. Iacobazzi, Mitochondrial Metabolite Carrier Proteins: Purification, Reconstitution, and Transport Studies. M. Klingenberg, E. Winkler, and S. Huang, ADP/ATP Carrier and Uncoupling Protein. J. Leighton, ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondria. Biophysical Methods for Mitochondrial Function Analysis: X.-J. Zhao, W.S. Caughey, and R.O. Poyton, Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis of Carbonyl and Nitrosyl Complexes of Cytochrome-c Oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M. Reers, S.T. Smiley, C. Mottola-Hartshorn, A. Chen, M. Lin, and L.B. Chen, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Monitored by JC-1 Dye. R. Rizzuto, M. Brini, C. Bastianutto, R. Marsault, and T. Pozzan, Photoprotein-Mediated Measurement of Calcium Ion Concentration in Mitochondria of Living Cells. J.J. Lemasters, E. Chacon, H. Ohata, I.S. Harper, A.-L. Nieminen, S.A. Tesfai, and B. Herman, Measurement of Electrical Potential, pH, and Free Calcium Ion Concentration in Mitochondria of Living Cells by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy. Mitochondrial Inheritance and Turnover: M.P. Yaffe, Isolation and Analysis of Mitochondrial Inheritance Mutants from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. R. Azpiroz and R.A. Butow, Mitochondrial Inheritance in Yeast. V.M. Dabhi and K.F. Lindahl, MtDNA-Encoded Histocompatibility Antigens. C.K. Suzuki, E. Kutejova, and K. Suda, Analysis and Purification of ATP-Dependent Mitochondrial Lon Protease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. T. Langer, A. Pajic, I. Wagner, and W. Neupert, Proteolytic Breakdown of Membrane-Associated Polypeptides in Mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Author Index. Subject Index.

pt. B ISBN 9780121821654


The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerlyawaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 260 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.

Table of Contents

In Vivo and in Vitro Approaches to Study of Mitochondrial Gene Expression: V. Micol, P. Fernandez-Silva, and G. Attardi, In Vivo Footprinting of Human Mitochondrial DNA in Cultured Cell Systems. C.S. Madsen, S.C. Ghivizzani, C.V. Ammini, M.R. Nelen, and W.W. Hauswirth, Genomic Footprinting of Mitochondrial DNA: I. In Organello Analysis of Protein-Mitochondrial DNA Interactions in Bovine Mitochondria. C.V. Ammini, S.C. Ghivizzani, C.S. Madsen, and W.W. Hauswirth, Genomic Footprinting of Mitochondrial DNA: II. In Vivo Analysis of Protein-Mitochondrial DNA Interactions in Xenopus laevis Eggs and Embryos. R.O. Poyton, G. Bellus, E.E. McKee, K.A. Sevarino, and B. Goehring, In Organello Mitochondrial Protein and RNA Synthesis Systems from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. G.L.Gaines, III, In Organello RNA Synthesis System from HeLa Cells. J.A. Enriquez, A. Perez-Martos, M.J. Lopez-Perez, and J. Montoya, In Organello RNA Synthesis System from Mammalian Liver and Brain. D.A. Mangus and J.A. Jaehning, Transcription in Vitro with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondrial RNA Polymerase. P.S. Perlman and M. Podar, Reactions Catalyzed byGroup II Introns in Vitro. K.R. Groom, Y.L. Dang, G.-J. Gao, Y.C. Lou, N.C. Martin, C.A. Wise, and M.J. Morales, Genetic and Biochemical Approaches for Analysis of Mitochondrial RNase P from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. L. Simpson, G.C. Frech, andD.A. Maslov, RNA Editing in Trypanosomatid Mitochondria. C. Ausenda and A. Chomyn, Purification of Mitochondrial DNA from Human Cell Cultures and Placenta. P. Fernandez-Silva, V. Micol, and G. Attardi, Mitochondrial DNA Transcription Initiation and Termination Using Mitochondrial Lysates from Cultured Human Cells. G.S. Shadel and D.A. Clayton, Mapping Promoters in Displacement-Loop Region of Vertebrate Mitochondrial DNA. G.S. Shadel and D.A. Clayton, Isolation and Characterization of Vertebrate Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A Homologs. V. Micol, P. Fernandez-Silva, and G. Attardi, Isolation and Assay of Mitochondrial Transcription Termination Factor from Human Cells. M.P. King, Isolation of Mitochondrial tRNAs from Human Cells. J.A. Enriquez and G. Attardi, Analysis of Aminoacylation of Human Mitochondrial tRNAs. A. Chomyn, In Vivo Labeling and Analysis of Human Mitochondrial Translation Products. P.L. Polosa and G. Attardi, Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis in Rat Brain Synaptosomes. H.A.C.M. Bentlage and A. Chomyn, Immunoprecipitation of Human Mitochondrial Translation Products with Peptide-Specific Antibodies. T.D. Fox, Genetic Strategies for Identification of Mitochondrial Translation Factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. T.W. O'Brien and N.D. Denslow, Bovine Mitochondrial Ribosomes. C.J. Schwartzbach, M. Farwell, H.-X. Liao, and L.L. Spremulli, Bovine Mitochondrial Initiation and Elongation Factors. Mitochondrial Genetics and Gene Manipulation: R.A. Butow, R.M. Henke, J.V. Moran, S.M. Belcher, and P.S. Perlman, Transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondria Using the Biolistic Gun. J.E. Boynton and N.W. Gillham, Genetics and Transformation of Mitochondria in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas. R. Morais, Isolation of Avian Mitochondrial DNA-Less Cells. M.P. King and G. Attardi, Isolation of Human Cell Lines Lacking Mitochondrial DNA. M.P. King and G. Attardi, Mitochondria-Mediated Transformation of Human rho Cells. A. Chomyn, Platelet-Mediated Transformation of Human Mitochon drial DNA-Less Cells. M.P. King, Use of Ethidium Bromide to Manipulate Ratio of Mutated and Wild-Type Mitochondrial DNA in Cultured Cells.P.J. Laipis, Construction of Heteroplasmic Mice Containing Two Mitochondrial DNA Genotypes by Micromanipulation of Single-Cell Embryos. E.T. Matsuura and Y. Niki, Mitochondria-Mediated Transformation of Drosophila. R.E. Gray, R.H.P. Law, R.J. Devenish, and P. Nagley, Allotopic Expression of Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Genes in Nucleus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M.G. Claros, J. Perea, and C. Jacq, Allotopic Expression of Yeast Mitochondrial Maturase to Study Mitochondrial Import ofHydrophobic Proteins. Mitochondrial Diseases and Aging: M. Tanaka, M. Hayakawa, and T. Ozawa, Automated Sequencing of Mitochondrial DNA. N.-W. Soong and N. Arnheim, Detection and Quantification of Mitochondrial DNA Deletions. M. Yoneda, Y. Tanno, S. Tsuji, and G. Attardi, Detection and Quantification of Point Mutations in Mitochondrial DNA by PCR. K.B. Beckman and B.N. Ames, Detection and Quantification of Oxidative Adducts of Mitochondrial DNA. B.H. Robinson, Use of Fibroblast and Lymphoblast Cultures for Detection of Respiratory Chain Defects. E.A. Shoubridge, T. Johns, and L. Boulet, Use of Myoblast Cultures to Study Mitochondrial Myopathies. G. Hofhaus, R.M. Shakeley, and G. Attardi, Use of Polarographyto Detect Respiration Defects in Cell Cultures. I.A. Trounce, Y.L. Kim, A.S. Jun, and D.C. Wallace, Assessment of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation in Patient Muscle Biopsies, Lymphoblasts, and Transmitochondrial Cell Lines. M. Sciacco andE. Bonilla, Cytochemistry and Immunocytochemistry of Mitochondria in Tissue Sections. C.T. Moraes and E.A. Schon, Detection and Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA and RNA in Muscle by in Situ Hybridization and Single-Fiber PCR. J. Maller-Hicker and S. Schafer, Cytochemistry and Immunocytochemistry of Cytochrome-c Oxidase at Electron Microscope Level. H. Schagger, Electrophoretic Techniques for Isolation and Quantification of Oxidative Phosphorylation Complexes from Human Tissues. D.M. Rhoads, H.C. Griffin, B.B. Neuenschwander, C.S. Levings, III, and J.N. Siedow, Assays for Characterizing URF13, the Pathotoxin and Methomyl Receptor of cms-T Maize. Author Index. Subject Index.

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  • Methods in enzymology

    editors in chief, Sidney P. Colowick, Nathan O. Kaplan

    Academic Press c1955-

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    Available at 179 libraries

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  • ISBN
    • 0121821617
    • 012182165X
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  • Place of Publication
    San Diego ; Tokyo
  • Pages/Volumes
    2 v.
  • Size
    24 cm
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