International trade conventions and their effectiveness : present and future


International trade conventions and their effectiveness : present and future

by Alina Kaczorowska

(Nijhoff law specials, v. 13)

Kluwer Law International, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references (p. xxiii-xxxv) and index



The rapid growth of international trade has brought about a need for unification of law governing international commerce and especially the international sale of goods since the sales contract constitutes the most common and the most important business transaction. This text examines the interaction between conflict of law rules and substantive rules in conventions designed to unify the law in this area. It also attempts to establish which method of unification of substantive law will restrict or even possibly exclude altogether the application of traditional conflictual mechanisms. This book is aimed at both academics and practitioners interested in trade law.


Part I: The Effectiveness of Substantive Unified Rules in the Light of Conflict of Law Rules. I: Certainty Mingled with Injustice or the Universal Approach Introduced by the Uniform Sales Laws. Section I. Spatial Scope of Application of ULIS. Section II. ULIS and Conflict of Law Rules. II: Submission of CISG to the Conflict of Law Rules or Uncertainty in Quest for Justice. Section I. CISG and National Conflict of Law Rules. Section II. CISG and Unified Conflict of Law Rules. Part II: Effectiveness of Unified Laws: Present and Future. I: Effectiveness of Unified Rules: Present. Section I. Uniform Interpretation of Substantive Unified Rules in the Light of CISG. Section II. The Effectiveness of Unified Conflict of Law Rules. II: The Effectiveness of Unified Rules: Future. Section I. Part Autonomy Revisited. Section II. The Principle of Good Faith.

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