Kanzleramt und Präsidialamt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : internationale Architekturwettbewerbe für die Hauptstadt Berlin Chancellery and Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany : international architectural competitions for the capital Berlin


Kanzleramt und Präsidialamt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : internationale Architekturwettbewerbe für die Hauptstadt Berlin = Chancellery and Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany : international architectural competitions for the capital Berlin

herausgegeben von Annegret Burg, Sebastian Redecke = edited by Annegret Burg, Sebastian Redecke

Bauwelt , Birkhäuser Verlag, c1995

  • : sw : hard cover
  • : us : hard cover
  • : sw : soft cover
  • : us : soft cover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes index



The two competitions documented in this volume cover the Chancellery and the Office of the President. A critical introduction discusses the problems of governmental representation within a city centre today and two essays explain the parametres and framework of the two competitions. This volume also presents and analyzes the 41 entries considered for the Chancellery and the approximately 250 entries considered for the Office of the President.

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