Election! : how and why Australia votes
Election! : how and why Australia votes
Allen & Unwin, 1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 148-150) and index
Who has the right to vote in Australia? Do we really have compulsory voting? How do our various electoral systems work and why do we have so many? Should we have truth in political advertising? Is party identification weakening? These are some of the questions raised in Election! Dean Jaensch examines the who, the why and the how of elections and voting in Australia. He looks at the history of our system as well as the contemporary scene. He provides a clear explanation of the arithmetic of elections, an explanation of the plethora of election laws in Australia and an analysis of 'what makes the voter tick'.
Tables, figures and documentsAbbreviations1 Why elections?2 Election systems3 Election laws4 Electoral geography5 Elections6 Voters and voting behaviour7 The responsive voterReferencesIndex
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