The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists


The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists

consulting editor, Herbert Read

(World of art)

Thames and Hudson, 1994

Rev., expanded and updated ed. / Nikos Stangos


Dictionary of art and artists

Art and artists

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



"The major part of the material in this dictionary was first published by Thames and Hudson Ltd in 1966 in the Encyclopaedia of the arts whose consulting editor was Sir Herbert Read."



This dictionary provides comprehensive information on the fine arts, with entries on paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, and the artists who have made them, throughout the world. It covers historical styles and movements in the arts, and contains entries on techniques, materials and terms, as well as on the major writers whose ideas have influenced the course of art and the work of artists. This revised and updated edition contains more than 2500 entries, over 200 entries having been added to those in the previous edition.

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