Dynamical disease : mathematical analysis of human illness
Dynamical disease : mathematical analysis of human illness
AIP Press, c1995
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全10件
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"Papers based on a NATO advanced research workshop held in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada in February, 1994" -- pref
Includes bibligraphical references and indexes
Market: Physicists, mathematicians, biologists, physiologists, and physicians interested in the latest research in this growing area of nonlinear science. Here are 29 ground-breaking research papers presented at a 1994 workshop in Quebec that offer fresh insights into the possible etiology and treatment of disease. Each chapter reveals how mathematical methods for understanding dynamical behavior in nonlinear equations are ideally suited to the analysis of complex rhythms confronted by physicians.
Partial Contents: Dynamical disease: Identification, temporal aspects and treatment strategies. Dynamic diseases in neurology and psychiatry. Tremor: Is Parkinson's disease a dynamical disease? Characterizing the dynamics of auditory perception. Quantitative analysis of heart rate variability. A basic mathematical model of the immune response. "Dynamical confinement" in neural networks and cell cycle.
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