Consumption and identity


Consumption and identity

Jonathan Friedman

(Studies in anthropology and history, v. 15)

Harwood Acadmeic Publishers, c1994

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index



First published in 2004. Studies in Anthropology and History is a series that will develop new theoretical perspectives, and combine comparative and ethnographic studies with historical research. Volume fifteen and this is about the relation between consumption and broader cultural strategies. The papers are the product of a workshop organized in Denmark under the aegis of the Center for Research in the Humanities which took place in 1989. While the majority of participants were anthropologists, there were also sociologists and historians present.


  • Consumption and the practice of identity, J. Friedman
  • western modernity and consumption - theoretical origins and cultural realities, C. Campbell and O. Lofgren
  • multiple identities, multiple strategies, D. Miller and R. Wilk
  • empowerment and the consumption of life-force, M. Rowlands, J. Friedman and E. Hirsch
  • disempowerment and the loss of life-force, I. Kopytoff, B. Orlove and A. Bauer.

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