The industrial organization and regulation of the securities industry


The industrial organization and regulation of the securities industry

edited by Andrew W. Lo

(A National Bureau of Economic Research conference report)

University of Chicago Press, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 45



Papers of a conference held Jan. 20-22, 1994 in Key Largo, Fla

Includes bibliographical references and index



The regulation of financial markets has for years been the domain of lawyers, legislators, and lobbyists. In this volume, experts in industrial organization, finance, and law, as well as members of regulatory agencies and the securities industry, examine the securities industry from an economic viewpoint. Ten original essays address topics including electronic trading and the "virtual" stock exchange; trading costs and liquidity on the London and Tokyo Stock Exchanges and in the German and Japanese government bond markets; international co-ordination among regulatory agencies; and the impact of changing margin requirements on stock prices, volatility and liquidity. This presentation of research may appeal to economists, lawyers, and legislators who seek a perspective on policy issues in the securities industry.

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