Maintenance of grounds and open spaces : ILAM competitive tendering : a guide to tender and contract documents


Maintenance of grounds and open spaces : ILAM competitive tendering : a guide to tender and contract documents

Longman, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3




Clause 2 of the Local Government Act 1988 means that the maintenance of grounds and open spaces is an activity which will be subject to increasing competition as local authorities are obliged to offer contracts for competitive tendering. It is essential, therefore, that when a local authority or private contractor enters into an agreement to carry out maintenance of grounds and open spaces, they meet the requirements of the Act. They must ensure that the specifications of the tasks to be performed are comprehensive and that the contract documents protect the interests of both parties. This loose-leaf publication aims to be the definitive guide which will enable local authorities and private contractors to draw up the necessary technical specifications and contract documents. Compiled by the Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management, it contains a set of recommended contract documents, helpful guidelines for selecting tenderers, technical specifications and practice briefing notes. The regular, twice yearly, updating service includes further technical specification, practice guidance notes and updated information concerning the changes in regulation and legislation.


  • Part 1 Selection of tenderers: step-by-step guide to tenderer appraisal and selection
  • sample tenderer appraisal questionnaire. Part 2 Contract documents: A - legal specifications
  • B - examples of works details
  • C - specifications. Part 3 Briefing notes and references: A - briefing notes.

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