Stress-induced gene expression in plants
Stress-induced gene expression in plants
Harwood Academic Publishers, c1994
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Researchers from North America and Western Europe discuss the state of the art research on gene expression in plants as affected by various stresses such as water deficit, seed dessication, anoxia, salinity, temperature extremes, heavy metals, air pollutants, and infection by pathogens. They also l
- Alterations in gene expression in response to water deficit
- nuclear genes expressed during seed desiccation - relationship with responses to stress
- gene expression in relation to salt tolerance
- gene expression during anoxia
- gene expression under low temperature stress
- regulation of heat shock gene expression
- heat shock proteins and thermotolerance
- ozone effects on gene expression and molecular approaches to breeding for air pollution tolerance
- gene expression in relation to metal toxicity and tolerance
- pathogen-induced gene expression.
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