Edmund Spenser : the critical heritage


Edmund Spenser : the critical heritage

edited by R.M. Cummings

(The critical heritage series)

Routledge, 1995


First published: 1971, "Spenser : the critical heritage"

Bibliography: p. 344-346

Includes indexes



The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work, enabling students and researchers to read for themselves, for example, comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays, or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels. The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion, and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included, in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation. Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works, a selected bibliography, and an index of works, authors and subjects. The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes.


GENERAL EDITOR'S PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- NOTE ON THE TEXT -- ABBREVIATIONS -- INTRODUCTION -- The Period 1579-1600 -- 1 E.K., from The Shepheardes Calender (1579) -- 2 EDMUND SPENSER (1580-90) -- (a) From Three Letters (1580) -- (b) From Two Other Letters (1580) -- (c) The Letter of Ralegh (1590) -- 3 GABRIBL HARVEY (1580-93) -- (a) From the Marginalia (after 1580) -- (b) From Three Letters (1580) -- (c) From Three Letters (1580) -- (d) Commendatory Verses (1590) -- (e) From Four Letters (1592) -- (f ) From Four Letters (1592) -- (g) From Four Letters (1592) -- (h) From Four Letters (1592) -- {i) From A New Letter (1593) -- (j) From Pierces Supererogation (1593) -- (k) From Pierces Supererogation (1593) -- (I) From Pierces Supererogation (1593) -- 4 WILLIAM WEBBE, from A Discourse of English Poetry (1586) -- 5 THOMAS NASHE (1589-96) -- (a) From Greene's Menaphon (1589) -- (b) From Pierce Penilesse (1592) -- (c) From Have With You to Saffron-Waldon (1596) -- 6 GEORGE PUTTENHAM, from The Arte of English Poesie (1589) -- 7 Anonymous commendatory verses (1590) -- 8 H .B., Commendatory verses (1590) -- 9 w.L., Commendatory verses (1590) -- 10 SIR WALTER RALEGH, Commendatory verses (1590) -- 11 R.S., Commendatory verses (1590) -- 12 WILLIAM VALLANS, from A Tale of Two Swannes (1590) -- 13 THOMAS WATSON, from the Elegy on Walsingham (1590) -- 14 JOHN FLORIO, from Florios Second Frutes (1591) -- 15 SIR JOHN HARINGTON (1591, C. 1600) -- (a) From Orlando Furioso (1591) -- (b) From Epigrams (c. 1600) -- 16 SAMUEL DANIEL (1592---99) -- (a) From Delia (1592) -- (b) From Delia and Rosamond Augmented (1594) -- (c) From The Civill Wars (1599) -- (d) From Musophilus (1599) -- (e) From Musophilus (1599) -- 17 THOMAS CHURCHYARD (1593, 1595) -- (a) From Churchyards Challenge (1593) -- (b) From Churchyards Charitie (1595) -- 18 MICHAEL DRAYTON (1593-1627) -- (a) From Idea (1593) -- (b) From Endimion and Phoebe (1595) -- (c) From The Barrons Wars (1603) -- (d) From Poems Lyrick and Pastoral (1605) -- (e) From Poly-Olbion (1612) -- (f) From Poly-Olbion (1612) -- (g) From Poems (1619) -- (h) From Poems (1619) -- (i) From The Epistle to Henry Reynolds (1627) -- 19 THOMAS LODGE (1593, 1596) -- (a) From Phillis (1593) -- (b) From Wits Miserie (1596) -- 20 I.O., from The Lamentation of Troy (1594) -- 21 E.C., from Emaricdulfe (1595) -- 22 WILLIAM COVELL, from Polimanteia (1595) -- 23 THOMAS EDWARDS, three extracts from Cephalus and Procris (1595) -- 24 JOSHUA SYLVESTER (1595, 1605) -- (a) From The First Day (1595) -- (b) From Devine Weekes and Workes (1605) -- 25 CHARLES FITZGEOFFREY, from Sir Francis Drake (1596) -- 26 JOSEPH HALL (1597-c. l6IO) -- (a) From Virgidemiarum (1597) -- (b) From Virgidemiarum (1597) -- (c) From Bedell's A Protestant Memorial (c. 1605) -- (d) Poem on Spenser, Sidney, and Camden (c. 1610) -- 27 RICHARD BARNFIBLD, from Poems (1598) -- 28 RICHARD CAREW (1595, 1598) -- (a) From The Excellencie of the English Tongue (c. 1595) -- (b) From A Herrings Tale (1598) -- 29 FRANCIS MERES, from Palladis Tamia (1598) -- 30 THOMAS SPEGHT, from The Workes of Chaucer (1598) -- 31 JOHN WEEVER (1599-1601) -- (a) From Epigrammes (1599) -- Obituary Verse -- (b) From Faunus and Melliflora (1600) -- (c) From The Mirror of Martyres (1601) -- 32 WILLIAM ALABASTER, from Epigrammata (1600) -- 33 NICHOLAS BRETON, from Melancholike Humours (1600) -- 34 JOHN CHALKHILL, from Thea /ma and Clearchus (c. 1600) -- 35 I.F., from Weever's Faunus and Melliflora (1600) -- 36 HUGH HOLLAND, On Spencer the Poett (c. 1600) -- 37 FRANCIS THYNNE, from Emblemes and Epigrames (1600) -- 38 FRANCIS BEAUMONT, from Poems (after 1600) -- 39 CHARLES FITZGEOFFREY, from Ajfaniae {1601) -- 40 WILLIAM BASSE, from Three Pastoral Elegies (1602) -- 41 JOHN ROSS, from Parerga (c. 1605) -- 42 WILLIAM WARNER, from A Continuance (1606) -- The Period 16oo-1660 -- 43 WILLIAM CAMDEN (1600, 1605) -- (a) From Britannia (1600) -- (b) From Remaines (1605) -- 44 GEORGE DE MALYNES, from Saint George for England (1601) -- 45 From The Return from Parnassus (1602) -- 46 WILLIAM HARBERT, from A Prophesie (1604) -- 47 SIR JOHN ROE, from Epistle to Sir Nicholas Smith (c. 1605) -- 48 LODOWICK BRYSKETT, from A Discourse of Civill Life (1606) -- 49 THOMAS DECKER, from A Knights Conjuring (1607) -- 50 SIR JOHN STRADLING, fromEpigrammatumLibri Quatuor (1607) -- 51 RICHARD NICCOLS, from Englands Eliza (1610} -- 52 HENRY STANFORD, Verses to Lady Hunsdon (1610} -- 53 HENRY PEACHAM, from Graphice (1612} -- 54 RICHARD zoucHE, from The Dove (1613) -- 55 THOMAS FREEMAN, from Rubbe (1614) -- 56 E. JOHNSON, from Browne's Shepheards Pipe (1614) -- 57 JOHN NORDEN, from The Labyrinth of Mans Life (1614) -- 58 TRISTRAM WHITE, from The Martyrdom of Saint George (1614) -- 59 THOMAS COLLINS, from The Teares of Love (1615) -- 60 WILLIAM BROWNE, from Britannia's Pastorals (1616) -- 61 BEN JONSON (1616, 1619) -- (a) From The Golden Age Restored (1616) -- (b) From Conversations with Drummond (1619) -- (c) From Timber (1640) -- 62 From Apollo Christian (1617) -- 63 John Lane (1617, 1621) -- (a) From Guy of Warwick (1617) -- (b) From Tritons Trumphet (1621) -- 64 WILLIAM DRUMMOND, from Heads of a Conversation (1619) -- 65 ROBERT AYLETT, from The Song of Songs (1621) -- 66 ROBERT BURTON, from Anatomy of Melancholy (1621, 1632) -- 67 ALEXANDER GILL, from Logonomia Anglica (1621) -- 68 WILLIAM MASON, from A Handfull of Essaies (1621) -- 69 ROBERT SALTER, from Wonderful Prophedes (1626) -- 70 WILLIAM LISLE, from Virgil's Eclogues (1628} -- 71 sm KENELM DIGBY (1628} -- (a) Discourse (before 1628?) -- (b) Observations (1628) -- 72 NICHOLAS FERRAR, from The Story Books (1630s) -- 73 PETER HEYLYN (1631, 1652} -- (a) From The Historie of St. George (1631) -- (b) From Cosmographie (1652) -- 74 JOHN MILTON (1631-49) -- (a) From 11 Penseroso (1631?) -- (b) From Against Smectymnuus (1641) -- (c) From The Reason of Church-government (1641) -- (d) From An Apology (1642) -- (e) From Areopagitica (1644) -- (f) From Eikonoklastes (1649) -- 75 HENRY REYNOLDS, from Mythomystes (1632) -- 76 E.C., from Vindiciae Virgilianae (after 1632) -- 77 PHINEAS FLETCHER, from The Purple Island (1633) -- 78 ROBERT JEGON, Spencero Posthumo (c. 1633) -- 79 RALPH KNEVETT, from A Supplement (c. 1633) -- 80 WILLIAM AUSTIN (before 1634) -- (a) From Devotionis Augustinianae Flamma (before 1634) -- (b) From Haec Homo (before 1634) -- 81 GEORGE WITHER, from Haleluiah {1641) -- 82 HENRY MORE (1642-64) -- (a) From 1Pvxw8[a Platonica (1642) -- (b) From Conjectura Cabbalistica (1653) -- (c) From The Grand Mystery of Godliness (1660) -- (d) From Philosophical Writings (1662) -- (e) From The Apology (1664) -- 83 GEORGE DANIEL, from Poems (1646) -- 84 SAMUEL SHEPPARD (1646-55) -- (a) From The Times Displayed (1646) -- (b) From Epigrams (1651) -- (c) From The Faerie King (c. 1655) -- (d) From The Faerie King (c. 1655) -- 85 JOSEPH BEAUMONT, from Psyche (1648) -- 86 MATHIAS PRIDEAUX, from An Easy and Compendious Introduction (1648) -- 87 ABRAHAM COWLEY (1650, 1668) -- (a) From A Discourse upon Gondibert (1650) -- (b) From Of Myself(1668) -- 88 WILLIAM D'AVENANT, fromA Discourse upon Gondibert (1650) -- 89 R.C., from The Chast and Lost Lovers (1651) -- 90 WILLIAM BASSE, from The Pastorals (1653) -- 91 SIR ROBERT SOUTHWELL, from his Commonplace Book (c. 1654) -- 92 SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, from The Lusiad (1655) -- 93 SAMUEL HOLLAND, from Don Zara del Fogo (1656) -- 94 SIR ASTON COCKAYNE, from Small Poems (1658) -- The Period 1660-1715 -- 95 JOHN WORTinNGTON, Letter to Samuel Hartlib (1660) -- 96 SIR JOHN DENHAM, from Poems and Translations 1668) -- 97 EDWARD PHILLIPS, from Tractulus de Carmine Dramatico (1669) -- 98 JOHN RACKET, Verses on Homer, Virgil, and Spenser (c. 1670) -- 99 RICHARD GRAHAM, from Angliae Speculum Morale (1670) -- 100 JOHN DRYDEN (1672-1700) -- (a) From The Conquest of Granada (1672) -- (b) From The Spanish Fryar (1681) -- (c) From The Satires of Juvenal (1693) -- (d) From De Arte Graphica (1695) -- (e) From The Works of Virgil (1697) -- (f) From The Works of Virgil (1697) -- (g) From Fables Ancient and Modern (1700) -- (h) From The Art of Poetry, with SIR WILLIAM SOAME (1683) -- 101 THOMAS RYMER, from Reflections (1674) -- 102 PETER STERRY, from A Discourse (1675) -- 103 SAMUEL WOODFORD, from A Paraphrase Upon the Canticles (1679) -- 104 JOHN CHATWIN, A Pastoral Elegy (c. 1680) -- 105 THOMAS D'URFEY, from Sir Barnaby Whigg (1681) -- 106 HENRY KEEPE, from Monumenta Westmonasteriensa (1682) -- 107 From A Pastoral (1683) -- 108 KNIGHTLY CHETWOOD, from An Essay on Translated Verse (1684) -- 109 Anonymous Comment following Rymer (1685) -- 110 The Preface to Spenserus Redivivus (1687) -- 111 EDWARD HOWARD, from Caroloiades (1689) -- 112 SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE, from Upon Poetry (1690) -- 113 From the Athenian Mercury (1691) -- 114 JOSEPH ADDISON (1694-1712) -- (a) From An Account of the Greatest English Poets (1694) -- (b) From The Spectator No. 62 (1711) -- (c) From The Spectator No. 183 (1711) -- (d) From The Spectator No. 297 (1712) -- (e) From The Spectator No. 419 (1712) -- 115 SIR RICHARD BLACKMORE (1695, 1716) -- (a) From Prince Arthur (1695) -- (b) From Essays (1716} -- 116 PATRICK HUME, from Notes upon Milton's Paradise Lost (1695) -- 117 LUKE MILBOURNE, from Notes on Dryden's Virgil (1698) -- 118 JOHN DENNIS (1698-1717) -- (a) From The Usefulness of the Stage {1698) -- (b) From The Grounds of Criticism (1704) -- (c) From The Grounds of Criticism (1704) -- (d) From Remarks upon Mr Pope's Homer (1717) -- 119 SAMUEL WESLEY, from The Life of our Blessed Lord (1697) -- 120 SAMUEL COBB, from Poetae Britannici (c. 1700) -- 121 HENRY HALL, from Luctus Britannici (1700) -- 122 A note on Spenser's influence (1702) -- 123 N.N., from Secretaria di Apollo (1704) -- 124 ALEXANDER POPE (1704?, 1713) -- (a) From A Discourse on Pastoral Poetry (1704?) -- (b) From The Guardian No. 40 (1713) -- 125 MATTHEW PRIOR (1706, 1708) -- (a) From An Ode (1706) -- (b) From Solomon (c. 1708) -- 126 AMBROSE PHILIPS, from Pastorals (1710) -- 127 SIR RICHARD STEELE (1710, 1712) -- (a) From The Tat /er No. 194 (1710) -- (b) From The Spectator No. 540 (1712) -- 128 LEONARD WELSTED, from Longinus on the Sublime (1712) -- 129 HENRY FELTON, from A Dissertation (1713) -- 130 THOMAS PARNELL, from Essay on the Different Styles of Poetry (1713) -- 131 JOHN HUGHES, from the 1715 edition of Spenser -- Language and Style -- 132 GABRIEL HARVEY (1580) -- (a) From the Marginalia (1580 and after) -- (b) From Two Other Letters (1580) -- 133 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, from The Defence of Poesie (c. 1583) -- 134 ABRAHAM FRAUNCE, from The Lawiers Logike (1588) -- 135 HENRY PEACHAM, from The Garden of Eloquence (1593) -- 136 HADRIAN DORRELL, from Willobie his Auisa (1594) -- 137 SIR JOHN HARINGTON, from The Metamorphosis of Aiax (1596) -- 138 WILLIAM LISLE, from Part of Du Bartas (c. 1596) -- 139 JOSEPH HALL, from Virgidemiarum (1598) -- 140 FRANCIS BEAUMONT, from the Letter to Speght (1598) -- 141 CHARLES BUTLER, from Rhetoricae Libri Duo (1598) -- 142 EVERARD GUILPIN, from Skialetheia (1598} -- 143 A note on Spenser's failure to write 'trew Hexameters' (1599) -- 144 JOHN BODENHAM, from Belvedere (1600) -- 145 RICHARD CAREW, from The Suruey of Cornwall (1602) -- 146 EDMUND BOLTON, from Hypercritica (c. 1618} -- 147 ALEXANDER GILL, from Logonomia Anglica (1621) -- 148 BEN JONSON, from Timber (1640) -- 149 NATHANIEL STERRY, from A Direction (c. 1650) -- 150 JOHN DAVIES, from The Extravagant Shepherd (1653) -- 151 EDWARD HOWARD (1669, 1689} -- (a) From The Brittish Princes (1669} -- (b) From Caroloiades (1689} -- 152 SIR THOMAS CULPEPPER, from Essayes (1671) -- 153 EDWARD PHILLIPS, from Theatrum Poetarum (1675) -- 154 JOHN OLDHAM, from Horace His Art of Poetry (1681) -- 155 JOHN DRYDEN {1685-1697) -- (a) From Sylvae (1685) -- (b) From The Satires ofJ uvenal (1693) -- (c) From The Works of Virgil (1697) -- 156 FRANCIS ATTERBURY, from Waller's Poems (1690) -- 157 JAMES HARRINGTON, from Athenae Oxonienses (1691) -- 158 sm THOMAS POPE BLOUNT, from De Re Poetica (1694) -- 159 JOHN HUGHES (1698, 1715) -- (a) From Of Style (1698) -- (b) From the 1715 edition of Spenser -- (c) From the 1715 edition of Spenser -- 160 LUKE MILBOURNE, from Notes on Dryden's Virgil (1698} -- 161 RICHARD BENTLEY, from A Dissertation (1699) -- 162 SAMUEL WESLEY, from An Epistle to a Friend (1700) -- 163 MATTHEW PRIOR, from An Ode (1706} -- 164 EDWARD BYSSHE, from The Art of English Poetry (1708} -- 165 WILLIAM COWARD, from Licentia Poetica (1709) -- 166 JOHN DENNIS (17II, 1722) -- (a} From Reflections (17u) -- (b) From Of Prosody (1722) -- 167 ALEXANDER POPE, from The Guardian No. 40 (1713) -- Biographical Notices -- 168 WILLIAM CAMDEN (1600, 1615) -- (a) From Reges Reginae ... (1600) -- (b) From Annales Rerum Anglicarum (1615) -- 169 SIR JAMES WARE, from A View (1633) -- 170 ROBERT JOHNSTON, from Historia Rerum Britannicarum (before 1639) -- 171 THOMAS FULLER, from The Worthies of England (1662) -- 172 JOHN AUBREY, from Brief Lives (up to 1697) -- 173 EDWARD PHILLIPS, from Theatrum Poetarum (1675) -- 174 The Life of 1679 -- 175 WILLIAM WINSTANLEY, from England's Worthies (1684) -- 176 GEORGE SANDYS, from Anglorum Speculum (1684) -- 177 THOMAS BLOUNT, from De Re Poetica (1694) -- 178 JOHN HUGHES, from the 1715 edition of Spenser -- 179 ADDENDUM: G.W. SENIOR and G.W.T., from Amoretti (1595) -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX.

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    xix, 355 p.
  • 大きさ
    23 cm
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