Promoting development : effective global institutions for the twenty-first century

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Promoting development : effective global institutions for the twenty-first century

edited by Jo Marie Griesgraber and Bernhard G. Gunter

(Rethinking Bretton Woods, v. 1)

Pluto Press , [published] with Center of Concern, 1995

  • : pbk

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Includes bibliographical references (p. 132-134) and index

Description and Table of Contents


In the wake of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the World Bank and the IMF, it is the view of the contributors to this volume that a review of the Bretton Woods institutions is urgently needed. The book presents practical, feasible suggestions for reform of the international financial bodies and the United Nations aid and trade agencies. Beginning with Sir Hans W. Singer's historical assessment of the subject, the contributors seek to implement in policy and practice the results of their academic research. Norman Girvan addresses the underlying dynamics between borrowing countries and donors; Reginald Herbold Green sets attainable trajectories in reforming the global economic institutions; Katarina Tomasevski argues for the institutionalization of Human Rights Impact Assessments and Lourdes Urdaneta-Ferran reviews statistics used and produced by the major international institutions.

Table of Contents

  • Rethinking Bretton Woods from an historical perspective, Hans W. Singer
  • empowerment for development - from conditionality to partnership, Norman Girvan
  • reflections on attainable trajectories - reforming global economic institutions, Reginald H. Green
  • human rights impact assessment - proposals for the next 50 years of Bretton Woods, Katarina Tomasevski
  • rethinking statistical requirements - gender statistics and accounts, Lourdes Urdaneta-Ferran.

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