Understanding older Chicanas


    • Facio, Elisa


Understanding older Chicanas

Elisa Facio

(Sage series on race and ethnic relations, v. 14)

Sage Publications, c1996

  • pbk. : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-113) and index



Focusing on an overlooked and understudied population, Understanding Older Chicanas examines older Chicanas' lives, status, and public policy needs. Chicana elderly tend to be poor, reflecting the economic position of Chicanos in American society; they also tend to be stereotyped as widows and grandmothers, reflecting the cultural values of Mexican American society. This work shows how Chicana elderly cope with this economic and cultural marginality and how they gain the personal and financial resources they require. Author Elisa Facio also relates how scholars and public policymakers have previously understood Chicana elderly, provides new data on the social meaning of Chicana old age, and points out the implications of that meaning for future policymakers. This perceptive volume is essential reading for those in academic and policy settings who are interested in issues regarding multicultural aging experiences, diversification, life-cycle phases, socialization, and women.


Introduction Entering the World of Older Chicanos/Mexicans Being Old and Poor Structural Constraints in Chicana Old Age Familial Relationships and Chicana Old Age Being an Older Woman Means Being More than Just a Grandma Conclusion

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