Principles of information systems management
Principles of information systems management
(Routledge series in the principles of management)
Routledge, c1995
- : pbk
並立書誌 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全20件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
This text provides an overview for managers who need to know how to develop and organize information systems effectively. It outlines all the key elements in the process of devising and implementing a successful IS strategy. John Ward first looks at the background to developments in IS and IT. He then assesses the key issues in IS management for the manager wanting to develop a strategic approach. The book then covers the main systems of analysis for identifying information systems needs in the business and the application portfolio, including evaluating investments and setting priorities. It concludes with the development of IS and the management of resources as the IS function is aligned with the central activity of the organization. Throughout the management questions and problems are made clear, focusing on change management and strategic planning. This book should be useful reading for all students and managers wanting to understand the managerial application of IS.
1. The Evolution of Information Systems - A Management Perspective. 2. Issues in Information Systems Management. 3. Developing a Strategic Approach to Management. 4. Identifying the Information Systems Needs for A Business. 5. Managing the Portfolio of Applications. 6. Managing the Development of Information Systems. 7. Managing Information Systems Resources - Information and Technology. 8. Managing Information Systems Resources - People, Organization and Administration. 9. Summary and Discussion of Implications for the Management of Information Systems.
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